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Rated: PG
Summary: Cookies and, um, closets. I'm not good at these.
Genres: Fluff, Humour
Original Archive Date: 2002 Nov 7
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 1857 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 30, 2009 | Updated: Aug 30, 2009 | Read: 2736
[Reviews - 1] [Report This]

Rated: G
Summary: Jack when he gets back from the planet. (Cold Lazarus)
Genres: Episode Prologues & Epilogues
Original Archive Date: 2002 Oct 15
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 595 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 30, 2009 | Updated: Aug 30, 2009 | Read: 2179
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Rated: PG13
Summary: return of the Jack...
Genres: Fluff, Romance
Original Archive Date: 2004 Jul 1
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 1901 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 30, 2009 | Updated: Aug 30, 2009 | Read: 2559
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Rated: G
Summary: Jack likes to share special moments with a special someone in his life. This time he needs special assistance from that special someone.
Genres: Angst, Fluff, Romance, UST/Friendship
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: None
Series: Special Things
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 3100 | Completed: Yes | Published: Jan 25, 2012 | Updated: Jan 25, 2012 | Read: 2887
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Rated: G
Summary: Some fun. Fluff.
Genres: Fluff
Original Archive Date: 2003 Jul 6
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 644 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 30, 2009 | Updated: Aug 30, 2009 | Read: 1799
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Rated: PG13
Summary: Jack and Sam have finally done the deed, now what?
Genres: Humour, Romance
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 2532 | Completed: Yes | Published: Sep 03, 2009 | Updated: Sep 03, 2009 | Read: 2295
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Rated: PG
Summary: Jack and Sam have a coffee date.
Genres: Drabble, Fluff, Romance, UST/Friendship
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 2020 | Completed: Yes | Published: Apr 30, 2012 | Updated: Apr 30, 2012 | Read: 2193
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Rated: G
Summary: Jack’s thoughts as he watches Carter trying, and failing to find a way home in Solitudes, Season One.
Genres: Angst, General
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 1133 | Completed: Yes | Published: Sep 02, 2009 | Updated: Sep 02, 2009 | Read: 2465
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Rated: G
Summary: Sam does some thinking one night about Jack and their relationship.
Genres: Angst, Romance
Original Archive Date: 2001 Jan 19
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 486 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 31, 2009 | Updated: Aug 31, 2009 | Read: 2162
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Rated: PG13
Summary: When the past catches up with you and you’re cold and alone, you need someone to give you hope and make you warm again.
Genres: Angst, Romance
Original Archive Date: 2002 Aug 19
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 3615 | Completed: Yes | Published: Sep 03, 2009 | Updated: Sep 03, 2009 | Read: 3220
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Rated: G
Summary: It's been six months, and panic has a way of preying on you at the worst times. (Sequel to `Parachute')
Genres: Humour
Original Archive Date: 2005 Aug 18
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 758 | Completed: Yes | Published: Sep 01, 2009 | Updated: Sep 01, 2009 | Read: 2553
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Rated: NC17
Summary: A cool seduction...
Genres: Romance
Original Archive Date: 1999 Sep 25
Warnings: None
Challenges: Sex'n'Candy
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 734 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 31, 2009 | Updated: Aug 31, 2009 | Read: 1121
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Rated: R
Summary: Recovering from brainwashing wasn't an easy task, but the entire world celebrating love while she'd had hers ripped away from her by returning memories just seemed a universal cheap shot. Jack/Sam based on episode Beneath The Surface
Genres: Episode Prologues & Epilogues, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 3200 | Completed: Yes | Published: Dec 10, 2011 | Updated: Dec 10, 2011 | Read: 1094
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Rated: PG13
Summary: His eyes shone like he was in me,
And his hands were oh so cold....
Genres: Angst, Drama
Original Archive Date: 2005 Mar 12
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 310 | Completed: Yes | Published: Sep 03, 2009 | Updated: Sep 03, 2009 | Read: 1783
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Rated: R
Summary: Jack O’Neill, he’s just damn hot."

Jack smirked. "I am?"

"Well, Sir, you did say how hot this planet was….."
Genres: Humour
Original Archive Date: 2004 Jul 1
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 1749 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 30, 2009 | Updated: Aug 30, 2009 | Read: 993
[Reviews - 2] [Report This]

Rated: G
Summary: You begin to think this is easy - this not loving him.
Genres: Drabble
Original Archive Date: 2004 Jul 1
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 101 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 31, 2009 | Updated: Aug 31, 2009 | Read: 2076
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Rated: PG13
Summary: Wysiwyg ain't always true
Genres: Humour
Original Archive Date: 2004 Jul 1
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 238 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 30, 2009 | Updated: Aug 30, 2009 | Read: 2085
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Rated: NC17
Summary: SG-1 are given orders to start a "new Earth" off-world. S/J Romance.
Genres: Angst, Romance
Original Archive Date: 2002 Aug 19
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 10741 | Completed: Yes | Published: Sep 03, 2009 | Updated: Sep 03, 2009 | Read: 1955
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Rated: PG13
Summary: SG-1 are given orders to start a "new Earth" off-world. S/J Romance.
Genres: Angst, Romance
Original Archive Date: 2002 Aug 19
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 9937 | Completed: No | Published: Sep 06, 2009 | Updated: Sep 06, 2009 | Read: 2540
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Rated: NC17
Summary: This is one for those of you who enjoy Westerns. It has been posted elsewhere before.
Genres: Action & Adventure, Alternate Universe or Reality, Angst, Drama, Romance
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: Character Death, Rape/Non-Consenual, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 18 | Word count: 44912 | Completed: Yes | Published: Jan 27, 2012 | Updated: Jan 27, 2012 | Read: 9686
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Rated: NC17
Summary: Placed in an impossible situation, Sam discovers that she has enough love for more than one man.
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance, Smut & Porn
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11 | Word count: 37893 | Completed: Yes | Published: Jul 17, 2012 | Updated: Jul 17, 2012 | Read: 17418
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Rated: PG
Summary: Blue or green? The most important question of the day
Genres: Romance
Original Archive Date: 2002 Nov 7
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 1816 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 30, 2009 | Updated: Aug 30, 2009 | Read: 2523
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Rated: PG
Summary: Sam has a college reunion and needs a date.
Genres: Angst, Humour
Original Archive Date: 2002 Aug 19
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 7675 | Completed: Yes | Published: Sep 03, 2009 | Updated: Sep 03, 2009 | Read: 2970
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Rated: PG
Summary: The things Jack will agree to…
Genres: Angst
Original Archive Date: 2004 Jul 1
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 23519 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 30, 2009 | Updated: Aug 30, 2009 | Read: 2512
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Coma by Katie
Rated: PG
Summary: Jack goes through the emotional wringer when a childhood trauma comes back to haunt Sam.
Genres: Angst, Romance
Original Archive Date: 2002 Aug 19
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 6480 | Completed: Yes | Published: Sep 03, 2009 | Updated: Sep 03, 2009 | Read: 2612
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