Without Resisting 3 by Aenea67
Summary: Sam remembers the mission to P3X987
Rated: PG
Genres: Romance
Original Archive Date: 2002 Aug 19
Warnings: None
Series: Without Resisting
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 624 | Completed: Yes | Published: Sep 01, 2009 | Updated: Sep 01, 2009 | Read: 2413
Story Notes: STATUS: complete, part three in the Without Resisting Series

CATEGORY: S/J romance

SPOILERS: none I can think of

SEASON: Season four

FEEDBACK: ... Makes the world go round!

AUTHOR’S NOTES: Okay, this took a while for me to write – I think I’m enjoying being lazy :) Mucho thanks to all the people who sent feedback last time and to my Beta Readers Helen and Jamieson13 :) The dark wood glimmered as it caught the flame of the candle, the fire licking greedily at the cold. It laid a silent shadow on the wall behind it – and she watched as it flickered fervently.
Chapter 1 by Aenea67
The room was quiet – not the kind of quiet it usually was, but a strong, overbearing quiet – and empty.

Quiet and empty.

Empty and quiet.

And… lonely.

Yes, she’d admit it… She was alone. She’d admit it, even if it was just to herself, and she’d repeat it over and over until it wasn’t so hard to believe.

She was alone.

She was alone.

She was al –-

The phone was ringing, loudly. Or at least loud enough to break her from her mantra.

“Hello?” Her voice was tired, strained… The same way she felt at the moment. There was heavy breathing on the other end, and someone mumbling something… But it didn’t last long, because soon whoever it was hung up.

Too tired to contemplate anything other than a prank call, she laid her head on her sofa until she was fast asleep.


The large rock was a drastic change of scenery – missing the flavoured bright colours of the Rai’als’ Revel in their honour, the loud clatter of voices and music replaced by everlasting silence.

She watched the still shadows, but turned when she saw another - a human shape.

“Colonel…” She began, only was lost for words. She shifted when he sat down next to her, obviously uncomfortable.

“Carter, I don’t know what you saw back in the cave, but I do know that whatever it was made you uncomfortable… Around me.” They were both silent for a moment.

“I don’t mean to be, sir, I just… I just can’t help it.”

They were both silent, neither willing to broach the subject they both knew they would have to confront.

Eventually, Jack spoke.

“It wasn’t a necessarily *bad* future, y’know. I can’t speak for you, though, only – ”

She cut him off.

“I saw myself dying.” She turned to face him then, her eyes wide and empty. “I saw *everyone* dying. Only that was at the end, and everything leading up to that was so…” Sam looked away, swallowing hard. “I saw our wedding.”

Jack couldn't help smiling at the whispered words, hearing the same yearning he'd felt watching his future.

“You wanna know what I saw?” She nodded slowly. “I saw us with daughters. And I saw Dad happy – I saw you happy. Now I don’t know if it’s going to happen – if anything I saw was true – but I do know that if it is I can go on loving you without worrying about the consequences.”

He felt her smiling.

“If there was a way…” She paused, searching for the right words. “I love you, but I can’t. We can’t.”


Waking abruptly, Sam pushed herself upwards – her head groggy from sleep, or lack of it for the past few days… months… years…

Looking at the candle that sat on her coffee table, she noticed it had almost finished burning – she must have been asleep for a few hours.

She groaned as the phone rang – couldn’t anyone leave her alone?

“H’llo?” She mumbled, her voice somewhat lighter than before.

“Sam… It’s me, Janet. There’s been an accident…” She could tell the Doctor was crying, and trying not to.

“Janet, calm down. Tell me what happened.”

“Please, Sam, you’ve got to come to the Base… Colonel O’Neill… He’s… He’s gone. He’s dead.”


Okay… that took a while to finish – and for that I apologise (it’s also very short, but I’m sure the next part isn’t going to take as long as this one did). I need feedback to help motivate me to write the next part. Please :)

Thanks for reading :)

Aenea ;p

This story archived at http://www.samandjack.net/fanfics/viewstory.php?sid=1979