Summary: 2000 Q Challenge.
Q (star trek) decides to learn more about humanity by toying with Sam and Jack (ie. making them fall in love or make love). Bonus points for Janet being in the story, and for Urgo references.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Quotes Challenge.
Write a fanfic that MUST contain the following:
- at least one reference to christmas
- Sam and Jack relationship (DUH!) preferably romance, but friendship's fine too
- A rating above G (let's be daring people :P) if it's an NC- 17 story, you'll give me a happy
- a happy ending
and at least TWO of the following quotes:
1) "Here lies my wife: here let her lie! Now she's at rest, and so am I." said in jest
2) "What's a' your jargon o' your schools, Your latin names for horns and stools; If honest nature made you fools." said to Samuels and/or Maybourne
3) "Who steals my purse steals trash."
4) "Hitch your wagon to a star."
5) "I never saw a purple cow, I hope to never see one; But I can tell you anyhow, I'd rather see than be one."
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2003 Quotes Only Challenge.
The main premise is that they're only allowed to say things they've said before.
So that basically means they can only use lines previously used in the show. You can shorten them and totally change the context completely, but the quote has to be from the person who said it in the show.
I think this could come up with some funny results. Which can range from anything like getting lost in space, stranded on a planet or getting Sam to Minnesota to go fishing.
Categories: Characters: None