A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other


Summary: 2007. Major Samantha Carter leaves Stargate Command and request move to Washington to follow her husband Ambasador Joe Faxton. She itroduces first Cadet Hailey. Jack is smart, and has already a clone (Mini-Jack) - we play a little with time (it's relative anyway). After some time Sam is moving back to Colorado to teach at Air Force Academy after her husband and daughter (Grace) deaths, she meets there twins Grace Janet O'Neill and Carter Jakob O'Neill and Mini Jack (all genius smart ;). Jack is a General for some time and in the charge of SGC. Janet and Jackob Carter are alive. Gen. Hammond died - how, when and why you decied. Deaths of Grace Faxton and Joe Faxton - hows and whens - its your's call. PETE Shanahan is forbidden :D Angst, hurt, comfort, humor and of course SHIP its a requirement.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2002 Wedding Descension Challenge. anyone wonder if Daniel would descend for wedding cake? Some suggestions: Would Sam wear white? Jack in dress blues (DROOL) Teal'c as the best man Janet as the matron of honor Jonas escorting Cassie Jacob also in dress blues (DROOL) What if the officiate just happened to be a jamaican man that bore a certain resemblance to a dead god that we all know and love (The actor that plays Apophis is Jamaican BTW) any other alien attendance optional but it could sure as heck be fun.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Wedding Photo Challenge. In the episode "Point of View" we are shown a wedding picture for the AU!Sam and the AU!Jack ( Your mission is to write a story based on that picture. In other words, what was happening when that particular photo was snapped?
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2003 Wench Challenge. So is somebody gonna write a fic where Sam gets to be a wench? Or maybe Jack can call her a wench.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2000 While You Were Gone Challenge. While Jack was on Edora the SGC had some more visitors from the quantum mirror( yeah I know they where suppused to destroy it but the hey) An alternate Sam was pregnant and dying Our Sam made the choise to take the other Sams baby as her own. Jack dosent know about it until a few weeks after he gets back from Edora.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2005. 1. S&J have sex during the time loop. Either Sam can somehow remember the previous time loops or not, the writer's choice. The important thing: they have sex just before loop's restart and Sam orgasms immediately AFTER the loop restarts. This has LOTS of possibilities: a) Sam wouldn't know and remember the loops and would suddenly find herself orgasming in the commisary, in front of everyone (anyone remember that old Meg Ryan movie?). Hell of an embarrassing situation... Adding to that the fact that she wouldn't know why that happened... The aftermath and resolution would be very interesting to read. b) Sam would remember the loop and how it happened and it still would happen and be utterly embarrassing. And then she and Jack would have to deal with the situation. (preferrably ending with them romantically involved as for all these ideas). 2. I know of only 1 fic that was something similar to this, but not the same. So, J&S have sex during time loops, unprotected, because it was unexpected and Sam get's pregnant. They can't stop the loops for at least additional 9-10 months. a) she would be remembering how it happened and she and Jack would be together. Imagine everyone's shock every time the loop restarted and they suddenly saw Sam pregnant, while 1 second before she wasn't... And suddenly when a loop restarted she would be sitting there, holding a baby in her arms. b) she wouldn't remember the previous loops and would be more shocked than anyone else to suddenly find herself pregnant. Especially in the later trimesters. Add to that a good dose of Jack-guilt over it happening and some angst... Ofcourse J&S romantic ending. 3. Jack and/or Sam would take advantage of the last loop before the resolution and, thinking that their bodies would go back at the restart, they would use the loop to go out eating all those treats and sweets that they've been denying themselves. And when the loop restarts they would find out that they were wrong... A possibility: Hammond would send them to either boot camp or an in tense course to get back in shape. There's nothing better than basic training to lose weight and gain muscle.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Woman Challenge. 1) It has to be set on a planet where women are superior to men. 2) Both Jack and Daniel have to complain about the clothes they have to wear but Teal'c has to make the comment, 'It feels quite airy' or something like that (take it as you will) 3) It has to include Shania Twain's song 'Man! I feel like a woman'
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2001 Women Rule Challenge. I remember reading an article where AT says she'd like an ep where the team goes to a planet ruled by women and it would be interesting to see if their society is less violent, etc. I'm pretty sure I've red a fic where Sam is considered a queen but I still think it can be developed a bit more.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2001 WoO Challenge. When Jack and Teal'C were stuck in the time loop for God knows how long, and Jack did kiss Sam once, it begs the question: what else did they do? And how many times did they do it? Preferably it'll be an NC- 17 fic, (my dirty little mind is already turning) and please include a scene (at least one) where they get caught.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: I'd like to see a story where SG-1 end up in the world of World of Warcraft. Not as in the game scenario, but in the world you play in, as if you are a book series, for example. Bonus points if you still use the whisper feature, and if one of the characters end up portrayed as either a Draenei or Orc., depending on whether you're Horde or Alliance. (As in everyone sees them as a certain race, but them.) You must have their names as their first names, no apostrophes, as WoW doesn't allow it, in any spoken conversations. And no one can be a Death Knight. Choose your classes, and let's see where this goes!
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Worst Way Challenge. Write a fic on this quote: "The worst way to miss someone is to have them sitting beside you and knowing you can't have them."
Categories: Characters: None