Summary: 2000 Fortune Cookies Challenge.
okay here is the challenge:
* -- must involve the whole team, Janet is an option (ducks away from D/J shippers)(the team does not have to be together for the entire story, just some of the critical stuff)
* -- someone trying to teach Teal'c how to play Rock, Paper, Scissors (yes I got the idea from Farscape)
* -- the team (or just sam and jack or both situations) reading the fortunes from chinese fortune cookies the "right way". For those who don't know before you read the fortune you say, "In bed and under the covers..." and then you read the fortune. example 'In bed and under the covers, you will reach new heights to meet your dreams.' It's a fortune straight from dinner last night, I swear! :}
It can be angsty, or sappy, which ever suits you better. Feel free to e- mail me OFF list if you want to pair up to do this. (I write better with another person, I don't know if this is true for anyone else.)
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2003 Fragile Balance Challenge. Deal with little Jack's feelings on leaving Carter behind. I also would like someone to tackle Jack's being a step ahead in evolution...What was that all about? I always knew he was way more than he pretended to be.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Friends Challenge. * It must begin with someone lighting a candle and end with someone blowing it out
* It must involve the TV show _Friends_, a calculator that doesn't work, and "the gum that tastes like soap"
* People must tease Sam and Jack about "getting it on"
* Hammond must blush
And, last but certainly not least,
* Doc Frasier must spend some downtime w/ SG
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2006. 'What if' piece of if not everyone was healed in Frozen moving on the Abyss.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2004 Frozen Challenge. In the commentary for Frozen, one of them said that there had been scenes that showed the four of them - Sam, Jack, Jonas, and Janet - getting progressively sicker, but that they'd had to cut them for time. My challenge is to write one or more of these scenes, where they recognize how very sick they're getting. Extra, bonus points if you include S/J ship.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2004 Fruit Loops Challenge. Write a fic where Sam switches Jack's normal sugar fruit loops with the less sugar and what happens as a result.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2001 Galaxy Quest Challenge.
Okay, watching Galaxy Quest anyone else who's seen it think the bad dude looks like an Unas? I'm sitting here and all I can hear in my head is Jack, "An unas?"
This is a farce taking of Star Trek and many other of the sci fi shows that have popped up since then. Except for the possible Unas I haven't seen much of a Stargate farce in here. Your challenge, should you chose to accept it is to write a fic where Sam and Jack go to see this movie or rent it, what would their reactions be? Can they and the rest of the team even stand to watch Sci Fi anymore? (this has been somewhat hit upon in some fics I've read over the last couple of years). I don't know just have fun with it. This movie's got a few funny moments, can also hear Sam bitching about the stereotypes of women in Sci Fi .
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2000 Gamekeeper Challenge.
You all know the episode "The Gamkeeper". And your mission will be now: What might have happened if not Jack and Dani remembered but Sam and Teal'c? You can mix the couples new (Daniel mustn't visit Sam's memories, Jack can be instead of him with her, for example) or not. All doesn't matter. A romance is a must- be. Enjoy it, have fun, do your best I'm already looking forward to read your stories!
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Games Challenge. Must involve 3 things:
* The game "Truth or Dare"
* Popsicle sticks
* Sam and Jack in a closet (how they got there is entirely up to you.)
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Get Out Of Jail Free Challenge
1) a speeding ticket (take your pick of characters, although I'd love to see Teal'c in this one)
2) a night spent in jail (can coincide with the speeding ticket)
3) Sam and Jack having to pool money to bail the poor sucker out (it can be either of them in jail too..they might have to tell them where their secret stash of cash is)... the more they argue, the better it is. Colorful language is desireable (just not too colorful).
4) the phrase "I live by my wits; a calling at times that leaves me no great measure of security."
5) one or more of the following: fuzzy mirror dice, condoms, packing peanuts, Daniel's glasses (in use other than on his face), a cowboy hat, Pez dispenser, and/or the phrase "jailbait."
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2000 Get Together Challenge. Write Sam and Jack getting together but in a different and unique way, something that doesn't involve them being stranded or dying!
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2001 Gone With The Sin Challenge.
1. It must include the song "Gone With The Sin" by HIM
2. If possible rated NC- 17, but PG- 13 or any other rating is also okay
3. It must include some serious S/J romance
4. No fun- story or smut please!!!!
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2001 Grease Challenge.
So the challenge : the SGC does a play for charity, I know far fetched, but they are putting on a production Grease and the parts of Danny and Sandy are played by Jack and Sam!!!!
For the purposes of this fic J/S will have GREAT voices and the play should be a hit. But how do they cope with 'You're the one that I want' and this scene should be in the fic. So Summary :
Must have :
1) SGC putting on a production of Grease
2) Danny/Sandy are to be played by Jack/Sam
3) Must have the Fair Scene with 'You're the one that I want'.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2006. After Major Charlie Kawalsky died in 'Enemy Within', he was given the unenviable task of watching over Jack O'Neill. In order to gain his wings, he must help his friend discover his feelings for and find happiness with one Samantha Carter.
- Only Jack and, if you like, Sam, can see Kawalsky.
- Kawalsky must follow SG-1 on at least one mission. It can be one from an episode, or you can make it up yourself.
- Kawalsky can affect the physical world to a certain extent. He may also have any other powers you see fit to give him.
- A Sam/Jack kiss.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Halloween Challenge. * Sam and Jack dress up as a famous couple (Romeo and Juliet, Han Solo and Princess Leia, be creative!)
* Teal'c dresses up as something traditionaly reserved for little kids (pumpkin, bunny rabbit, whatever)
* Janet flirts shamelessly (you decide with whom!)
* Hammond makes the most of his bald head (you decide what that means)
And... drumroll please....
* Daniel has a special surprise costume... a space monkey!!!
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Hammond Challenge.
Ok, here it is:
- must have most of the base surprising Gen. Hammond by doing something really nice.
- must include the song: "We'll follow the old man..." *
- Major angst between S/J that is resolved at the end
- a happy ending
- * please * don't make it NC- 17 or R.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2002 Hammy Challenge.
Hammy??? I don't think I have ever heard General Hammond referred to as 'Hammy' before... why do I suddenly have an image of Teal'c saying it to his face... after an offscreen converation in which Jack referrs to him that way
It doesn't necessarily have to be the focus of the fic, just use it at some point.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Handcuff Challenge. Write a story based on the following line from "The Price You Pay" (written by Ashley McConnell). Need not be NC- 17/R... but that's the intention. No other umm restrictions required.
"He wasn't going to lose it over a few chains, he told himself firmly; why, handcuffs could be taken in a whole different context sometimes." -- Jack O'Neill
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Hands Off Challenge. A story that has to do with a newcomer to SG, and that person is related to Sam, whom Sam has told her everything about SG, mostly about Jack. When that person joins the team, she likes Jack too, so it's like "the boy is mine" type.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2000 Hanson Challenge.
Sam's back with Hanson, and he's beating her again. To keep it S/J, Jack has to save her... phsyically, maybe, but not mentally. I want angst, peoples, angst! And it must include the song "Still" by Macy Gray.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2002 Hathor Challenge. Remember hathor? in the end when sam & jack go to confront her, hathy tosses sam against a wall and jack just stands there in a libidenous haze...what if sam really was down for the count...she didn't grab her sidearm and blast hathy fulla holes. so hathy is really ticked at her...and with janet in the infirmary and the rest of the women (all 5 of em) somewhere else....sam is nice and defenseless with a ticked off goauld.
methinks a nice opportunity for some whumping...and lovely angst cause jack could have stopped it but just watched. or maybe seeing hathy whack sam around snaps him outta his hormonal haze.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2004 Healing Touch Challenge. Write an S/J story based on the premise there is this guy out there that can heal people with his touch and everybody wants a piece of him-so to speak. The only thing that must be in there is the part, subsituting Sam and Jack for the MX characters of course, where Sam begs the guy to heal Jack and give it to her. Other than that it could be completely original or follow the ep....but preferebly original.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2002 Hellraiser Challenge.
To really take the crossover idea somewhere totally bizaar and different, how about a crossover between Stargate and the Hellraiser series?! SG meet a foe that is worse than the Goauld, by leaps and bounds. They have to contend with the demonic and other dimentional beings like Pinhead...
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Hepburn Challenge.
Your story MUST contain the following lines:
"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." (originally spoken by the great Katherine Hepburn BTW)
"Don't even bother to explain, it'll only make it worse."
Those two lines must have something to do with Sam and Jack and the rest of the story must contain one or more of the following:
* Chocolate (any shape or form )
* Satin sheets
* yellow roses
* a teddy bear
* a toothbrush
And inquiring minds want to know, Is Jack a boxers or briefs man? You decide.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2000 Hercules&Xena Crossover Challenge. Your story * must * have
Write a fic in which SG1 either meets the Hercules/Xena characters or takes on their roles.
Since I'm asking I'd like to request that it not be NC- 17. Bonus points for including SG1's reaction to the gods, and extra characters.
Categories: Characters: None