Summary: 2000 Prisoners Challenge.
So, your job is to make the episode "Prisoners" a very very shippy episode. That's it. I watched it last night and noticed that there are some nice shippy moments but I want more.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Profiler Challenge. One criteria-- these lines:
JACK: I won't accept that.
SOMEONE ELSE: Is that because you think I'm wrong or because you're in love with her?
If it sounds familiar, you might be a Profiler fan. I think those are awsome lines and I might put them in a fic of my own someday but for the time being I wanted to see what other people did with it.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2000 Psuedo Challenge.
I'd really like to see a pseudo future culture... like the Tollan, I suppose... but they have to have come from earth recently (ie, maybe only 100 years ago) I'm talking very techy... hover cars, spaceships, etc. Maybe they have their own language. But they are ecologically sound (Like the Nox). Hippy Tree- huggin Future Guys, basically. The chalenge here, I supose, is to explain why they are so far ahead of us technologically, yet only left earth such a short time ago. And S/J romance!
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2000 Q Challenge.
Q (star trek) decides to learn more about humanity by toying with Sam and Jack (ie. making them fall in love or make love). Bonus points for Janet being in the story, and for Urgo references.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Quotes Challenge.
Write a fanfic that MUST contain the following:
- at least one reference to christmas
- Sam and Jack relationship (DUH!) preferably romance, but friendship's fine too
- A rating above G (let's be daring people :P) if it's an NC- 17 story, you'll give me a happy
- a happy ending
and at least TWO of the following quotes:
1) "Here lies my wife: here let her lie! Now she's at rest, and so am I." said in jest
2) "What's a' your jargon o' your schools, Your latin names for horns and stools; If honest nature made you fools." said to Samuels and/or Maybourne
3) "Who steals my purse steals trash."
4) "Hitch your wagon to a star."
5) "I never saw a purple cow, I hope to never see one; But I can tell you anyhow, I'd rather see than be one."
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2003 Quotes Only Challenge.
The main premise is that they're only allowed to say things they've said before.
So that basically means they can only use lines previously used in the show. You can shorten them and totally change the context completely, but the quote has to be from the person who said it in the show.
I think this could come up with some funny results. Which can range from anything like getting lost in space, stranded on a planet or getting Sam to Minnesota to go fishing.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Radio Challenge. Sam wins 2 tickets off a radio station to (think of someplace)...
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2003 Rating Men Challenge.
Sam is sitting under a huge shade tree in a park having a picnic with some other women that she is on a (conference?) with. They are rating all the men (1 - 10) that walk past or are playing football etc around them. These women are old academy classmates of Sam and are slightly condecending about her choice of men. While one particularly nasty comment is made by one of the women, they all notice a really good looking grey headed man heading in their direction...
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Reetou Challenge
In Show & Tell, Doc. Fraiser said all the Reetoo would need is a little DNA to create Charlie. What if it was discovered that the DNA had been gathered from our fav. couple while they were innocently sleeping on some planet?...
I can picture Sam saying something about having a child out of wedlock and Jack muttering about having a child out of... well... you know...
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2002 Regarding Henry Challenge.
If you have seen the movie Regarding Henry with Harrison Ford, you know what I am referring too, It would be neat to see the interaction of characters when Jack somehow (i don't care how) loses all of his memory and he has to start from scratch. Like he has to learn to walk talk and chew gum again. It would be cool to see how the Sam/Jack relationship grows and how the team copes with what happens. Hopefully in the end, he will regain most of his memory and be on the team again, but I thought it would be a good challenge for an experienced writer.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2001 Reinfected Challenge. Jack, Sam, and anyone else that was originally infected with the virus in Broca Divide, get reinfected with it. Can you imagine what would happen to our couple?
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2002 Revelations Challenge.
At the end of Meridian, when Jack and Teal'c run into Sam and Hammond in the hallway...Do you think Jack was going to seek Sam out to ask her if she wanted to go for food with him and Teal'c? I had the feeling that they just happened to bump into her and asked her then - and it's a feeling I don't like. Concerning this question: I'd love to read a fic based on this moment. Maybe have it that Sam 'did' feel that she wasn't going to be asked. And/or, at the restaurant she finally says to Jack what she's wanted to say concerning Daniel's 'death'.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Reversal Challenge. Take an episode (preferably one that focuses on Sam and Jack) and reverse it. For example, perhaps Jack gets sold in "Emancipation" or Sam gets pinned to the wall in "Message in a Bottle"...
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Ring Challenge. In the episode "Forever In A Day", Sam is shown wearing what * looks * like a wedding ring on her right hand. Your challenge is basically this:
Who gave her the ring? The assumption would be Jack in which case, when did he give it to her? How? Is it the equivalent of an engagement ring or are they actually married? In which case, why wear it on the right hand? When did they get married? Who know's about it?
You can all see where I'm going with this people!
And to give the challenge a couple of guidelines, here's the requirements:
1. Ring must be from Jack.
2. Story must be SJR.
3. Story must have an SJ kiss.
4. Story must have angst.
5. No drabble responses. It can be short, just not 100- words- short.
6. Does * not * have to have a happy ending.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2005. I want a sappy love story. I want one that will make me cry. No death, No Pete...just Sam and Jack. Jack romancing Sam (in a non-cheezy way). I'm a sucker for hurt/comfort type stories. If Jack is upset because Sam is sick...all the better!
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2003 Rosha Challenge. JM hinted that we might see Rosha as she may not be dead. Even though when Jolinar left her she may have died as we all know how hard it is for a Tok'Ra/Goa'uld to leave a host without killing the host.
So my challenge is as follows:
SG-1 must find Rosha somewhere, I'll leave that up to your imagination.
There must be Sam and Rosha interaction, I can imagine they have a lot to talk about.
No character death please though as it's too tearful.
And of course Sam and Jack in there somewhere! Imagine the angst you could get out of this. :)
(A side note please no NC-17 or slash in there.)
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2000 Roswell Challenge.
Teal'C had never been to Roswell, though O'Neill thought he might take the Jaffa there sometime, just for the hell of it. Then he coud claim there really had been an alien in the little New Mexico town, at least once. It was the kind of in joke that appealed to him. Maybe he'd suggest it to the whole team, though Carter would argue about it. Carter always argued. It was one of the delightful aspects of her personality. (The First Amendment, Ashley McConnel, p. 59)
Your challenge - Write the trip to Roswell. And include at least one argument between O'Neill and Carter. Romance please!
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2002 Salem Challenge. SG gate to a planet similar to old time Salem. (think 'The Crucible') and the horrified townspeople think that Teal'c and Carter are witches. Teal'c- just because the way he looks and Carter- for wearing the clothes of men. (I know, I know, that last one was a bit of a cliche) and this last one is a no- brainer... it should be s/j. It doesnt have to be all mushy and cuddley but at least a * hint * of s/j ship.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2001 Sam Stuck Challenge.
here's a thought: what if, for whatever reason, it is Sam and not Jack who gets stuck behind on Eudora {the world with Fire Rain}...? what then?
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2003 Sam's Addicted Challenge.
Someone do a 'Sam's addicted to drugs' fic. It could be pain killers, or something done to her off world, etc, but make her go through withdrawl.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2001 Sam's Command Challenge.
Let's see Sam given her own command (whether that goes hand in hand with a promotion, you decide)-- be it because of the Goa'uld war everyone's talking about in the threads or some other reason (like that she deserves it!). I don't really care what happens in the fic-- but of course, it has to be S/J in some way (romance, UST, friendship-- you decide). A few ideas off the top of
my head are as follows: A party to celebrate the promotion (or maybe the creation of yet another SG team), her first mission on another team, or maybe her team has to go in after SG on a rescue mission, a quiet dinner with Jack (maybe under the premise of him giving her some pointers on leading a team).
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Sam's Marriage Challenge. Write a story where Sam get's married!
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2002 Sam's Superior Challenge.
Make some reason that Jack retires, but when he decides to come back, Sam is now his superior officer. I know, this prob couldn't happen because of how long it would take for her to outrank him, but wouldn't it be fun to see Jack having to take orders from Sam? He does respect her, that goes without question, but I do think he'd have a wee bit of the prob taking orders from her if for no other reason than he's used to being the one giving orders.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2002 Sam's Test Challenge. In D&C there feels like there's a scene missing which is what Sam says to the monitor so they know she's not a zatarc.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2002 Sam/Daniel Switch Challenge.
How about a SJR story involving a Sam and Daniel switch. So many ways you could go with that. Uber angsty.
Categories: Characters: None