Genres: Episode Prologues & Epilogues
Other Results: 7 Series



Rated: PG
Summary: Laira comes back for help. Jack finds out the hard way what she's capable of, and Sam is used as the example.
Genres: Episode Prologues & Epilogues
Original Archive Date: 2002 Aug 19
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 4994 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 29, 2009 | Updated: Aug 29, 2009 | Read: 9823
[Reviews - 3] [Report This]

2005 by Wally
Rated: R
Summary: What happens before 2010?
Genres: Episode Prologues & Epilogues
Original Archive Date: 2002 Aug 19
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 1499 | Completed: No | Published: Aug 29, 2009 | Updated: Aug 29, 2009 | Read: 1023
[Reviews - 1] [Report This]

Rated: NC17
Summary: Sam asks for Jack’s help. He refuses her. Thinking the future is no longer there for her, she takes what she can from the present. And Jack chooses to send a personal message back in time.

Nominations: Stargate Fanfic Awards 2007
Genres: Angst, Drama, Episode Prologues & Epilogues, Missing Scene, Romance, Smut & Porn, UST/Friendship
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7 | Word count: 11895 | Completed: Yes | Published: Jan 25, 2012 | Updated: Jan 25, 2012 | Read: 32889
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Rated: PG13
Summary: Episode addition, post 'In The Line Of Duty'. Fifty days of Sam Carter.
Genres: Episode Prologues & Epilogues
Original Archive Date: 2005 Aug 18
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 5176 | Completed: Yes | Published: Sep 01, 2009 | Updated: Sep 01, 2009 | Read: 7513
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Rated: R
Summary: After "The Light," Teal'c went home, but the rest of SG-1 was stuck in the Goa'uld palace for a few more weeks. What happened during that time?
Genres: Alternate Universe or Reality, Episode Prologues & Epilogues, Missing Scene
Original Archive Date: 2002 Aug 19
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 7861 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 29, 2009 | Updated: Aug 29, 2009 | Read: 1713
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Rated: NC17
Summary: What happened after geeks Sam and Jack kissed inside the puddle jumper in "Moebius" ? AN: Please excuse any punctuation or spelling errors in this story from 2007.
Genres: Action & Adventure, Alternate Universe or Reality, Drama, Episode Prologues & Epilogues, Romance, Smut & Porn
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 | Word count: 13988 | Completed: Yes | Published: Mar 17, 2012 | Updated: Mar 18, 2012 | Read: 19225
[Reviews - 6] [Report This]

Rated: PG13
Summary: Sam receives a phone call upon returning from the Odyssey after her ordeal to recover the stargates
Genres: Episode Prologues & Epilogues
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7 | Word count: 8881 | Completed: Yes | Published: Sep 04, 2009 | Updated: Jul 14, 2010 | Read: 23540
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Rated: PG13
Summary: Problem resolution
Genres: Episode Prologues & Epilogues, Romance
Original Archive Date: 2004 Jul 1
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 7669 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 29, 2009 | Updated: Aug 29, 2009 | Read: 2994
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Rated: PG
Summary: Jack gets injured while Sam is with Pete.
Genres: Episode Prologues & Epilogues
Original Archive Date: 2004 Jul 1
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 1564 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 29, 2009 | Updated: Aug 29, 2009 | Read: 4163
[Reviews - 2] [Report This]

Rated: PG13
Summary: It's long. He. No... A few members of SG-1 get stuck on the planet where they discovered Ernest, an alternate reality story. This deals with their survival and what happens.
Genres: Angst, Drama, Episode Prologues & Epilogues, Romance
Original Archive Date: 2002 Aug 19
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 114925 | Completed: No | Published: Aug 29, 2009 | Updated: Aug 29, 2009 | Read: 10279
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Rated: G
Summary: Jacob leaves a parting gift for his daughter.
Genres: Angst, Drama, Episode Prologues & Epilogues, Hurt/Comfort, Missing Scene, Romance
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: None
Series: "Threads" based stories, Tags
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 3488 | Completed: Yes | Published: Jan 18, 2012 | Updated: Jan 18, 2012 | Read: 6950
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Rated: PG
Summary: Sam and Jack talk after the events of "Entity"
Genres: Episode Prologues & Epilogues
Original Archive Date: 2002 Aug 19
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 3267 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 30, 2009 | Updated: Aug 30, 2009 | Read: 6556
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Rated: PG13
Summary: Jack and Sam talk about the 'twin thing'.
Genres: Episode Prologues & Epilogues, Romance
Original Archive Date: 2000 Feb 12
Warnings: None
Challenges: POV Talk
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 955 | Completed: Yes | Published: Sep 04, 2009 | Updated: Sep 04, 2009 | Read: 2886
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Rated: PG
Summary: Set between "Nemesis" and "Small Victories"
Genres: Episode Prologues & Epilogues
Original Archive Date: 2002 Aug 19
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 2238 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 30, 2009 | Updated: Aug 30, 2009 | Read: 2577
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Rated: G
Summary: Sam and Thera consider their lives as Major and worker.
Genres: Episode Prologues & Epilogues, Introspective
Original Archive Date: 2002 Oct 15
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 1074 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 30, 2009 | Updated: Aug 30, 2009 | Read: 2754
[Reviews - 1] [Report This]

Rated: G
Summary: Jack ponders the thing which allowed them to escape: humanity
Genres: Angst, Episode Prologues & Epilogues
Original Archive Date: 2003 Jul 6
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 1086 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 29, 2009 | Updated: Aug 29, 2009 | Read: 2518
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Rated: PG
Summary: Sometimes you can feel like you're absolutely nowhere until someone shows you the way home.
Genres: Episode Prologues & Epilogues
Original Archive Date: 2002 Sep 9
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 385 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 30, 2009 | Updated: Aug 30, 2009 | Read: 2513
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Rated: PG13
Summary: The events after Into the Fire. Everyone deals with what happened.
Genres: Episode Prologues & Epilogues
Original Archive Date: 2002 Aug 19
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 1721 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 30, 2009 | Updated: Aug 30, 2009 | Read: 2985
[Reviews - 0] [Report This]

Rated: PG
Genres: Episode Prologues & Epilogues
Original Archive Date: 2002 Aug 19
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 2018 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 30, 2009 | Updated: Aug 30, 2009 | Read: 3308
[Reviews - 1] [Report This]

Rated: PG13
Summary: Thinking they were zatarcs, proving that they weren't and then Martouf's death had left her feeling ready to break into pieces.
Genres: Angst, Episode Prologues & Epilogues
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 922 | Completed: Yes | Published: Sep 07, 2009 | Updated: Sep 07, 2009 | Read: 2600
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Rated: NC17
Summary: Tag to “Show and Tell.” Hints of CotG, Cold Lazarus, In the Line of Duty, and The Tok’ra. Not for kids!
Genres: Episode Prologues & Epilogues, Hurt/Comfort, Smut & Porn
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 2406 | Completed: Yes | Published: Jan 13, 2010 | Updated: Jan 13, 2010 | Read: 4160
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Rated: PG
Summary: What took place after the tag in Politics.
Genres: Episode Prologues & Epilogues
Original Archive Date: 1999 Jun 1
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 770 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 31, 2009 | Updated: Aug 31, 2009 | Read: 2799
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Rated: PG
Summary: A mission goes wrong for Sam, and the lives of SG1 are at risk.
Genres: Episode Prologues & Epilogues
Original Archive Date: 2003 Dec 7
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 83618 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 29, 2009 | Updated: Aug 29, 2009 | Read: 9164
[Reviews - 1] [Report This]

Rated: PG13
Summary: Sitting, thinking, wondering.
Genres: Angst, Episode Prologues & Epilogues, General, Vignettes
Original Archive Date: 2003 Jul 6
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 1072 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 29, 2009 | Updated: Aug 29, 2009 | Read: 2594
[Reviews - 0] [Report This]

Rated: PG
Summary: Sitting, thinking, wondering.
Genres: Angst, Episode Prologues & Epilogues, General, Vignettes
Original Archive Date: 2003 Jul 6
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 1072 | Completed: Yes | Published: Aug 29, 2009 | Updated: Aug 29, 2009 | Read: 2253
[Reviews - 2] [Report This]