What types of stories are allowed within the site?
The site allows any stories which focus on the relationship between Sam Carter and Jack O'Neill from the Stargate SG1 franchise/fandom. This relationship does not have to be romantical in nature - friendship, platonic, superior-to-subordinate, UST, sexual, etc, relationships are also valid - however the relationship must be the focus of the story.
Please note:
- A story may be removed from the site, at any time, if:
- It does not focus on the sam/jack relationship, or contain sam/jack as the predominate relationship.
- It is perceived as being anti-sam/jack.
- It does not adhere to basic spelling and grammar standards.
- The sam/jack relationship is not treated respect.
- It is otherwise considered offensive or illegal in nature.
- The site administrator reserves the right to remove any story from the site for any reason, with or without notice.
What size stories are allowed within the site?
Stories must be at least 20 words long. There is no maximum.
How do I read a Story?
Locate a Story, and click on the Story title.
How do I see how many people have read my stories/series?
Log into the site and go to Account Info, View Your Statistics, Author of: # Stories or # Series.
How do I upload a new Story?
Log into the site and go to Account Info, Add New Story. Enter the following information:
- Title: story title. MANDATORY.
- Co-author: if you wrote the story with one or more people, search for their penname and select the correct name. OPTIONAL.
- Summary: a brief description of your story. MANDATORY.
- Story notes: any further details you wish to add before people read your story (ie, spoiler warnings, non-sam/jack pairings, thank you's, additional information, etc). OPTIONAL.
- Genres: the type of story you have written (ie, romance, angst, drama, humour, etc). MANDATORY.
- Original Archive Date: do NOT use. This is for admin use only.
- Warnings: warnings associated with your story (ie, character death, incest, torture, etc). OPTIONAL.
- Rating: a suitability classification (ie, PG, NC17, etc). MANDATORY.
- Complete: tick this box if your story is finished. OPTIONAL.
- Chapter title: chapter title. If your story does not have chapters, leave as "Chapter 1". OPTIONAL.
- Chapter notes: similar to Story Notes, these are further details you wish to add before people read your chapter. If your story does not have chapters, leave blank. OPTIONAL.
- Story text (text): your story. Paste your story into this field. MANDATORY.
- Story text (file): your story. Browse to the html or text story file. MANDATORY.
- End notes: any further details you wish to add after people read your story. OPTIONAL.
and click Preview. Make any required changes, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Add Story.
Please note:
- The following fields are MANDATORY and must be included in your Story: Title, Summary, Genre, Rating, Story text.
- The following fields are OPTIONAL and may be included in your Story: Co-author, Story notes, Warnings, Complete, Chapter title, Chapter notes, End notes.
- The following field should not be used unless you are an administrator: Original Archive Date.
- If uploading a Story which has more than 1 chapter: the Summary, Genre, Warnings and Rating can only be selected at a Story level. You can not have individual summaries, genres, warnings or ratings for each Chapter.
- Co-authors have the ability to edit and delete stories. If you make another member a co-author of your story, they will have full edit and delete control over that story. They will not be able to edit or delete stories where they are not the co-author.
- "Please read", "Untitled", "Read n Review!", "RNR!", etc, are not acceptable titles or summaries.
- As much as possible, spoiler warnings are expected on all stories.
- Examples of an appropriate spoiler warning:
- Spoilers for season two
- Spoilers for Beneath the Surface
- Examples of an inadequate or inappropriate spoiler warning:
- Spoilers for the one where Sam gets promoted
- Spoilers for the one where Jack dies
What are the Original Archive Dates? Why don't I need to select one?
Original Archive Dates refer to the date a story was archived on the original database. If you are adding a new story, an Original Archive Date is not applicable and should NOT be selected.
How do I make changes to an existing Story?
Log into the site and go to Account Info, Manage Stories. Locate the story you wish to edit, and click Edit.
Make any changes to the Title, Co-author, Summary, Story notes, Genres, Warnings, Rating, or Complete status, and click Add Story.
To make changes to the story text (1 or no chapters), scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Edit next to Chapter 1. Make any changes to the Chapter title, Chapter notes, Story text, or End notes, and click Add Story.
To make changes to any other chapters, scroll to the bottom of the page, locate the chapter, and click on Edit. Make any changes to the Chapter title, Chapter notes, Story text, or End notes, and click Add Story.
Please note:
- The following field should not be used unless you are an administrator: Original Archive Date.
- Co-authors have the ability to edit and delete stories. If you make another member a co-author of your story, they will have full edit and delete control over that story. They will not be able to edit or delete stories where they are not the co-author.
How do I add Chapters to a Story?
Log into the site and go to Account Info, Manage Stories. Locate the story you wish to add a chapter to, and click Add New Chapter. Enter the following information:
- Chapter title: chapter title. If your story does not have chapters, leave as "Chapter 1". OPTIONAL.
- Chapter notes: similar to Story Notes, these are further details you wish to add before people read your chapter. If your story does not have chapters, leave blank. OPTIONAL.
- Story text (text): your story. Paste your story into this field. MANDATORY.
- Story text (file): your story. Browse to the html or text story file. MANDATORY.
- End notes: any further details you wish to add after people read your story. OPTIONAL.
and click Preview. Make any required changes, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Add Story.
Please note:
- The following fields are MANDATORY and must be included in your Chapter: Story text.
- The following fields are OPTIONAL and may be included in your Chapter: Chapter title, Chapter notes, End notes.
- "Please read", "Untitled", "Read n Review!", "RNR!", etc, are not acceptable titles or summaries.
How do I change the order of my Chapters?
Log into the site and go to Account Info, Manage Stories. Locate the story that contains the chapter order you wish to change, and click Edit.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and locate the chapters you wish to change, and use the arrows to move the Chapters up or down.
Please note:
- Your story must have 2 or more chapters in order to move a chapter up or down.
How do I delete a Chapter?
Log into the site and go to Account Info, Manage Stories. Locate the story that contains the chapter you wish to delete, and click Edit.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and locate the chapter you wish to delete, and click Delete.
Please note:
- Your story must have 2 or more chapters in order to delete a chapter. This is non-reversible. If you would like your chapter to be included in the site again, you will need to re-upload it.
How do I delete a Story?
Log into the site and go to Account Info, Manage Stories. Locate the story you wish to delete, and click Delete.
Please note:
- This is non-reversible. If you would like your story to be included in the site again, you will need to re-upload it.
Why does my story all run together in one large paragraph? Why aren't there any line breaks?
If copying your story into the Story text (text) field, ensure you have an extra paragraph break or line space between all paragraphs before copying from the source.
If uploading your story using the Story text (file) field with a html file (.htm or .html), ensure all HTML tags are correct before uploading the file.
If uploading your story using the Story text (file) field with a text file (.txt), ensure you have an extra paragraph break or line space between all paragraphs before uploading the file.
Why doesn't it work when I upload my story using the Story text (file) option?
Only html (.htm or .html) and text (.txt) files can be uploaded. No other formats will work (this includes: .rtf, .doc, .pdf, etc).
What html codes can I use in my stories?
The following are allowed: <strong> <em> <br /> <br> <blockquote> <strike> <font> <b> <i> <u> <center> <img> <a> <hr> <p> <ul> <li> <ol>
Are there any symbols, characters or codes I can't use in my stories?
The following are not allowed and will result in part or all of your story not appearing: < >
How do I read a Series?
Locate the Series in the site, and click on the Series title, then click on the Story title.
How do I create a Series?
Log into the site and go to Account Info, Add New Series. Enter the following information:
- Title: series title. MANDATORY.
- Summary: a brief description of your series. MANDATORY.
- Genres: the type of series you have written (ie, romance, angst, drama, humour, etc). MANDATORY.
- Original Archive Date: do NOT use. This is for admin use only.
- Warnings: warnings associated with your series (ie, character death, incest, torture, etc). OPTIONAL.
- Series type: type of series (ie, Closed - only you can add stories to this series). MANDATORY.
and click Submit. Tick the story/stories that you wish to include in your Series and click Submit. Use the arrows to move the Stories up or down.
Please note:
- The following fields are MANDATORY and must be included on your Series: Title, Summary, Genre, Series type.
- The following fields are OPTIONAL and may be included in your Series: Warnings.
- The following field should not be used unless you are an administrator: Original Archive Date.
- Your stories must already be uploaded to the site in order to add them to your Series.
- Your Series must have 2 or more stories in order to move a story up or down.
- "Please read", "Untitled", "Read n Review!", "RNR!", etc, are not acceptable titles or summaries.
How do I add a new Story to a Series?
Log into the site and go to Account Info, Manage Series. Locate the Series and click Add to Series. Tick the story/stories that you wish to include in your Series and click Submit. Use the arrows to move the Stories up or down.
Please note:
- Your stories must already be uploaded to the site in order to add them to your Series.
- Your Series must have 2 or more stories in order to move a story up or down.
How do I make changes to a Series?
Log into the site and go to Account Info, Manage Series. Locate the series you wish to edit, and click Edit.
Make any changes to the Title, Summary, Genres, Warnings, Series type, and click Submit.
Please note:
- The following field should not be used unless you are an administrator: Original Archive Date.
- Your stories must already be uploaded to the site in order to add them to your Series.
- Your Series must have 2 or more stories in order to move a story up or down.
How do I delete a Series?
Log into the site and go to Account Info, Manage Series. Locate the series you wish to delete, and click Delete.
Please note:
- This is non-reversible. If you would like your series to be included in the site again, you will need to re-create it.
- Deleting a series will not delete stories associated with that series.
What is the difference between a Story with Chapters and a Series?
A Story with Chapters is one piece of fiction, split into smaller sections (known as chapters).
A Series is a collection of Stories (which may, or may not, have chapters) that are related or refer to each other.
One of my stories is listed on the site under someone else's name - why? and how do I move the story to my name?
It is possible that when we moved all stories that were archived on the original database to the new automated database, we created two or more author accounts for you, or that we made a mistake and uploaded your story against someone else's name. To move this story to your account, use the contact us page to request the move. Please include the following information:
- Your Penname: this is the penname currently listed on your author profile.
- Story Penname: this is the penname currently listed on the story.
- Story title/s: the story title.
- E-mail address: your current e-mail address.
There's a story listed under my name but it's not mine - why is it there? and can I delete it?
Please do not delete the story. It is possible that when we moved all stories that were archived on the original database to the new automated database, we made a mistake and uploaded someone else's story against your name. To remove this story from your account, use the contact us page to request the removal. Please include the following information:
- Your Penname: this is the penname currently listed on your author profile.
- Story title/s: the story title.
One of my stories is listed on the site under both my name and someone else's name - why? and how do I move the story to my name only?
If a story is listed under your name and someone else's name, it is a co-author'd story. You can change co-authors associated with your story by editing your story.
I think one of the stories on the site is a plagiarism - how do I report this?
Locate the story, click Report This, select Violation of Rules. Please include the following information:
- Original title: the original story title.
- Original author: the original story author.
- Original location: the original story url/link.
I think one of the stories on the site is broken - how do I report this?
Locate the story, click Report This, select Bug Report. Please include a description of the problem (ie, story doesn't appear, strange characters appear in the text, etc).
I think one of the stories on the site is missing appropriate information - how do I report this?
Locate the story, click Report This, select Missing Information. Please include a description of the problem (ie, story doesn't have a genre, story text is missing, etc).
Why hasn't my story been included in the site for me?
Between October 1998 and August 2009, completed stories submitted to samandjack.net via the samandjack yahoogroup were automatically collected and uploaded. Stories were only collected and uploaded if:
- Archive Permission: stories were marked with a tag of "SJA yes", "samandjack yes", or "SJD yes".
- Completed: the story was completed, and all parts posted, before 31 August 2009.
If your story met these requirements, yet was not collected and uploaded, we apologise for the oversight.
From September 2009, it is each author's individual responsibility to upload their own stories, irrespective of whether they have been posted to the samandjack yahoogroup.