Story Notes: Email:

Status: Sam & Jack, established relationship

Season/Sequel Info: Nothing specific - early third season

Spoilers: Not that I know of, but I missed the first season and a half, and most of the third.

Archive: SJ yes

Response to several challenges: 1999 NC17 - sex in an unusual place; 1999 Games Challenge - Truth or Dare, Popsicle Sticks, and S&J in a closet; 1999 Friends Challenge; 1999 Caught Challenge - S&J are "caught in the act" on base; 1999 Christmas Challenge; 1999 Hepburn Challenge; and maybe the 1999 Hammond Challenge

Copyright (c) December 2000 - S. Wilcut

Sam Carter's hand shook slightly as she held a match to the first candle on the large, white-frosted cake. To say that it had been a strange week was an understatement. To think, last week, the most serious thought on her mind had been whether to buy red or blue satin sheets to include in the surprise package she was making up for Jack's Christmas present, and how to convince him to wear the very skimpy briefs she'd selected. She'd finally decided to play it safe, and selected a pair of very festive silk boxers. If he was going to be a boxers man , she might as well have some fun. Now, though, Sam wondered if they'd have a Merry Christmas after all, considering that their careers were in serious jeopardy. As she continued to light the candles, Sam's thoughts wandered back to the previous evening . . . .


SG-1 had been on stand down for the past week. Sam had tried to relax, do some Christmas shopping, and had even set up Christmas trees at both her apartment and Jack's house. After much coaxing, Jack had helped her set the trees up, but refused to decorate them. He had spent most of the week working. General Hammond's superior, Lt. General Michaels, and his senior staff were having a meeting with the SGC senior staff in the morning, and she and Jack were both to give presentations on various aspects of the Stargate Program. For some reason, Jack was having more difficulty than usual preparing his, and was increasingly frustrated. Sam had tried everything she could think of to help him relax, but the harder she tried, the more irritated he seemed to become. It was all she could do to convince him not to cancel the Game Night SG-1 had planned for their last night of downtime. But he was being such a grouch that she almost wished she had let him. At the moment, he was practically biting Daniel's head off over an innocent, "I thought you were going to get a new deck of cards so we could play poker tonight" question.

"Sorry, I had a busy week!" Jack snapped.

"I'll bet you did!" cooed Janet, with a wicked grin at Sam. Janet had been trying to get in on their downtime Game Night for ages. With Cassie at a sleep-over tonight, she had finally gotten a chance. Sam shook her head at Janet slightly. Janet shot her a puzzled glance, but when she caught Jack's angry glare, she quickly took another bite of the popsicle she had been eating.

As Janet dropped her empty popsicle stick onto the coffee table, Daniel asked, "Hey, who thought of these? They're a nice change from the pretzels."

"I recalled Doctor Fraiser stating that popsicles were a favorite confection of hers." Teal'c replied. "When Major Carter informed me that she would be joining us this evening, I decided to bring them."

"Thanks, Teal'c." Janet beamed at him. "That was sweet!" Teal'c responded with a slight inclination of his head and shadow of a smile.

"Well," said Daniel, "since we can't play cards, what should we do?"

"Charades?" Sam suggested.

"No, Truth or Dare ," Janet said, with another wicked grin.

"Oh, no! Not with you," Sam replied quickly. "You cheat!"

"Hey," said Janet, reaching for another popsicle in the small cooler on the table, "as the great Katherine Hepburn said, `If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun!' As YOU well know!" she added, with a wink at her best friend. Sam bit her lip, inclining her head slightly toward the kitchen door as Jack shot Janet another glare. "Why don't we just watch television?" he asked, quickly snapping the set on and flipping through the channels. Unfortunately, there wasn't much to choose from. After a moment, he left it on a re-run of "Friends. "

As the theme music faded, and Janet dropped another popsicle stick onto the growing pile, Teal'c suddenly reached for them. "The children of Chulak play a somewhat amusing party game with instruments similar to these. I would be glad to teach you all if you would you care to participate."

"Sure!" chorused Sam, Janet, and Daniel in unison.

"Jaffa party games?" Jack asked, with more interest than he had shown in anything all evening. "This I've got to see."

"Of course, O'Neill." Teal'c responded. "However, it will take several minutes to prepare the game."

"Why don't I get everyone a Coke while you do that, Teal'c," Sam said, jumping up from her seat.

"You drink Coke during Game Night?" asked Janet, surprised.

"I had a busy WEEK, O.K.?" Jack snapped again.

"Come on, Janet, give me a hand." Sam made a hurried exit, Janet close on her heels.

"Boy, who licked the red off his candy?" she said as soon as she and Sam were out of earshot.

"He's been like this all week. I swear, I am almost glad to be going back to work tomorrow!"

"Did you two have a fight or something?"

"No, its this meeting with Lt. Gen. Michaels tomorrow. Jack's really stressed about his part of the presentation for some reason. Yesterday, he was working on some numbers for it and the batteries died in the calculator . He got so mad he threw it up against the wall."

"You know, Sam, there's a great cure for tension nowadays." Janet said meaningfully, as she grabbed a stick of gum from the pack on the counter and popped it in her mouth.

"Janet, I have TRIED! Everything I can think of, from a back rub, to his favorite lingerie, to .... well, you get the picture. But nothing's working."

"Maybe it's time to switch tactics. Eeew, this gum tastes like soap! " She spit it out.

"Jack spilled dishwashing liquid on that pack." Sam tossed the pack into the trash after Janet's discarded piece. "What do you mean, `switch tactics'?"

"Do something new, something daring."

"Oh, Janet, I don't know . . ."

"Oh, come on. Live dangerously!"

"Hey, are you two gonna bring in the drinks or just stand in there talking all evening?" Jack called out.

"Coming!" They grabbed the glasses and hurried back into the living room.


The next morning, Sam dressed nervously. Jack was still in a bad mood, having tossed and turned most of the night. She hoped she wasn't about the make a big mistake.

"Ready to go?" Jack asked, startling her.

"Yes. Just let me grab my briefcase."

They drove to the base in silence. As he turned off the ignition in the parking lot, Jack reached out and placed a hand on her knee.

"Look, Sam. I know I've been a real bear this week, and I'm sorry. Its just . . .General Hammond's getting promoted today, and everything we do in that briefing is going to reflect on him. I've had a terrible time trying to get this presentation just right, and, on top of that, I'll have to sit through the whole morning worrying about it since I got lucky enough to get placed on the afternoon schedule, right before the grand tour. "

"It's OK, Jack. Don't worry about it."

He smiled at her. "Thanks for understanding." Suddenly, the his eyes darkened. "Oh, crap! I forgot the General's present! I'll have to go back to the house before the party tonight to get it!" He smacked the steering wheel and let out a disgusted sigh.

Sam swallowed quickly. Before she lost her nerve, she grabbed the hand on her knee, holding it there. "I, um, forgot something, too." She said.

In his frustration, Jack didn't notice at first that she was slowly sliding his hand up her thigh. "If I have to go back now, we'll be late for the meeting. Can you do without whatever it is until this evening?"

"Umm, I don't know. You tell me."

Suddenly, he realized where his hand was. "Come on, Sam, I'm not ..." He choked on his words as he ralized just exactly what it was she had forgotten. "SAM!" he gasped, but she had jumped out of the car and was already halfway across the parking lot. Slamming the door, he hurried after her, watching her hips sway as she briskly covered the distance to the door. Was it his imagination, or did her walk suddenly look sexier than he had remembered?

He finally caught up with her as she stepped into the elevator which was, unfortunately, already occupied by two young Airmen. He stood silently beside her, his thoughts whirling, but he didn't fail to see the appreciative glances the other occupants were giving Sam. As the doors opened and she exited the car, she glanced back with a little smile, then hurried down the hallway. The Airmen were practically drooling as they watched her walk away.

"Close your mouths, gentlemen!" Jack said as he stepped out. They immediately snapped to attention, red-faced. "Yes, Sir! Sorry, Sir!"

As he followed Sam toward the briefing room, he noticed that every male she passed turned to glance at her. Yup! he thought. She is definitely sending out some serious vibes! They entered the briefing room, where General Hammond was talking with Lt. General Michaels. Everyone else was already seated around the table. The General looked up. "Well, it looks like we're all here," he said, and began making introductions. Sam took her seat and smiled sweetly across the table at Jack. Licking her lips lightly, she reached out with her foot and let it slip suggestively down his calf. He promptly dropped his pen, nearly upsetting the water pitcher in front of him trying to retrieve it.

"Something wrong, Colonel?" General Hammond inquired.

"No, Sir," he replied, quickly gathering his things together and avoiding Sam's eyes. What the heck is she doing? he thought. Then it dawned on him - that conversation with Janet he'd accidentally overheard. Her fantasy. He smiled to himself. OK, if that's what she wants, he said to himself, I am more than happy to play along!

Jack didn't hear another word that was said. All he could think of was Sam, and what she wasn't wearing, and how to pay her back for the torture she was putting him through. When she let her fingers trail lightly across the back of his neck as she walked behind him during her presentation, it was all he could do not to grab her. Finally, the last speaker sat down.

"OK, everyone," General Hammond said as he and Lt. Gen. Michaels rose. "Let's break for lunch. We'll resume in one hour."


Sam slowly closed her notebook and stepped out of the briefing room, the last to leave. Jack had avoided her glance all morning and disappeared like a flash the moment the General had dismissed them. Way to go, Sam! She mentally kicked herself as she walked down the hallway. I can't believe I was stupid enough to . . . her thoughts broke off with a little yelp of surprise cut off by a hand over her mouth as she was suddenly grabbed from behind. Before she could catch her breath, she found herself lying on the floor of the supply closet , her CO's face inches from her own. She could see the desire in his eyes and the slight smile on his lips as he whispered seductively, "Is this what you what you were after?"

He lifted his hand from her mouth. She started to answer, but her reply was cut off as his lips met hers in a passionate kiss . She responded instantly, as his hand swept down to the hem of her skirt, then slid up her thigh. . . . .


At that moment:

". . . . and I appreciate you coming all this way," General Hammond was saying as he and General Michaels walked down the hallway.

"Of course, George. We went through basic together and served together for years. Now that you're finally getting that long overdue third star, did you really think I'd let someone else pin it on you?"

"Thank you. It's a wonderful early Christmas present." He turned as Janet approached them. "I don't think you've met our Chief Medical Officer, James," he said. "This is Captain Janet Fraiser. Janet, Lt. General Michaels."

"A pleasure to meet you, Sir."

"Likewise," he responded.

Janet turned to General Hammond. "Sorry to interrupt your conversation, Sir, but have you seen Major Carter?"

"No, Doctor. Now that you mention it, she didn't come to the luncheon. Maybe she's still in the briefing room. But when I see her, I'll tell her you're looking for her."

"Thank you, Sir. Nothing important; just a question I wanted to ask her." Janet continued down the hallway. She had been dying to find out if Sam had taken her suggestion, and just what it was she had decided to try. She heard General Hammond open the door to the supply room, saying, "Let me grab another notepad before we go back in," followed instantly and much louder by, "Colonel O'Neill, what the . . ." Janet froze in her tracks as he continued, "NO! DON'T get up!" and slammed the door. She, and everyone else in the hallway, turned to stare at the General, who was leaning against supply room door, his hand still on the knob, an unreadable expression on his face. Uh oh! she thought, as Daniel and Teal'c came around the corner.

"What's going on?" Daniel asked, quietly, as he and Teal'c reached Janet.

"Everything OK, George?" General Michaels was saying. General Hammond stepped away from the door. "Well . . ." he began.

Janet opened her mouth to answer Daniel, but shut it quickly as the closet door swung open, revealing a very disheveled Jack and Sam. Janet groaned. His jacket was unbuttoned, shirttail hanging out. His lips were an odd shade of pink, the exact same shade that was smeared across Sam's mouth and in various places all over both of their faces. Her blonde hair stuck out in all directions, her skirt was incredibly wrinkled, and dust bunnies were parading across it. Both looked dreadfully guilty, and dreadfully embarrassed.

"Well," General Hammond began again, slowly and quietly, "I don't quite know what to say."

"General . . ." Jack began.

"Oh, don't even bother to explain, Colonel," General Hammond interrupted him, "it'll only make it worse." Jack shut up, as Sam stared at the floor, wishing it would swallow her.

General Hammond glanced around at the gathering crowd and focused on Lt. Graham Simmons, who was staring at Sam with a pitifully hurt expression. "Lt. Simmons, find Cpt. Castillo and tell him I want to see him in my office at 1600 hrs." Jack sucked in his breath sharply as Sam's head dropped even lower. The base JAG officer! Boy, this was not going well! Jack thought. Court-Martial, here we come.

Lt. Gen. Michaels laid a hand on General Hammond's shoulder. "You know, George," he said, eyes twinkling, "this kind of reminds me of the time that old Colonel Martin found you and Margaret out by the dock at the unit picnic." Hammond suddenly blushed redder than either of the two officers standing before him and cleared his throat.

Michaels grinned. "Try to keep that in mind here. As far as I'm concerned, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary." He turned to Jack and Sam, who immediately snapped to attention. "Colonel. Major." he said, amusement evident in his expression as he returned their salutes, then walked off toward the briefing room chuckling softly.

General Hammond turned back to the two officers standing uncertainly before him. "You two go recover what's left of your military bearing and personal dignity and get back to the briefing room. We resume in 15 minutes. As for the rest of you," he turned to look at the occupants of the hallway, "don't you all have something to do?"

As they hurried toward the locker room, Jack said softly, "I am SO sorry!"

"Not your fault," Sam replied, trying to smile at him, but not succeeding very well. "I started it, after all."

"Yes, you did." Jack smiled. "And it was almost worth it!"

"What do you mean `almost'?"

"Only that General Hammond has lousy timing. I mean, just another ten minutes . . ." He laughed as she gave him a playful shove. Catching her hand, he pressed a kiss to her fingertips. "Seriously, though, Sam," He stopped, looking deeply into her eyes. "No matter what happens, I don't regret us getting involved." As he saw the tears begin to form in her eyes, he quickly switched to a more playful tone. "Promise me you'll try this again sometime?" He laughed as she stared up at him, then kissed the tip of her nose playfully before going to wash her lipstick off his face.

Sam's smile slowly faded. She appreciated his attempt to make her feel better, but she knew he was just as worried as she was. Shaking her head, she headed for her locker, trying to ignore the feel of the weight hanging over both their heads.


Sam sighed as she finished lighting the candles. Somehow, they had made it through the afternoon session. She had held her breath as Jack began his presentation, but it had been great, all things considered. She wondered why he'd been so worried about it. Jack had dashed to the house to pick up the General's gift immediately after the session, while Lt. General Michaels was being given a tour of the base (and General Hammond was meeting with Cpt. Castillo, she thought, wondering when the other shoe was going to drop). He'd stepped into the Gate room just in time for the promotion ceremony, but handed the gift to Major Ferretti.

"Maybe you should make the speech and give him this," he'd whispered.

Ferretti had stifled a chuckle. "What's wrong, Colonel?" When his friend didn't reply, Ferretti continued, "Hey, Sir! If I was getting it on with a woman as good looking as Sam Carter, I don't think I'd be hiding out in supply closets . What were you thinking, anyway?"

Jack had glared back. "It was the first place I could find where I knew there wasn't a security camera."

Whatever Ferretti had been going to reply was lost as General Michaels had stepped back from the podium, saying, "Well, Lt. General Hammond, I think your people have a little something they'd like to give you."

Ferretti had begun speaking as he handed the wrapped package to Hammond. Lt. Gen. Hammond's face had broken into a pleased smile as he unwrapped the engraved plaque they had all chipped in on.

"You're a great leader, Sir, and an inspiration to us all. I'm not much of a speech maker, Sir," Ferretti was saying, turning to the members of the SGC "so, I'll just ask everyone to join me in a little song that kind of expresses how we feel.

We'll follow the old man wherever he wants to go, Wherever he wants to go Wherever he wants to go"

As the song began, Sam had slipped away to light the candles on the cake (and to escape the snickers, grins, and sly sidewise glances that everyone was giving her. Boy, news traveled fast around here! Next time I need to get information out, she thought grimly, I'll feed it to the rumor mill instead of wasting my time writing a memo!)

We'll follow the old man wherever he want to go, As long as he stays away from the battle fray.

Sam lit the last candle on the cake and turned to see Janet standing in the doorway, looking sympathetic. "Don't, Janet," she warned, feeling tears rising in her eyes.

"I'm just here to help you carry out the cake."

Together, they carried it to the podium, carefully setting it in front of General Hammond and stepping back into line next to Jack as the last strains of the song echoed through the room.

Because we looove him, We looove him Especially when he keeps us on the ball.

"Thank you, Major," General Hammond smiled as Ferretti stepped over to stand beside Janet. "And thank you all," he added, looking around. "Before I blow out the candles, however, there's a little matter that I'm sure has been weighing heavily on everyone's mind all afternoon." He shot a meaningful glance at Jack and Sam, joined by nearly everyone else in the room. "Well, I'm not going to keep you in suspense any longer, people." Turning to search the crowd, he called out, "Captain Castillo, did you check that book?"

As the JAG officer stepped forward, Sam turned pale. Jack reached over and squeezed her hand, tightly.

"Yes, Sir!" Castillo replied, opening a small blue notebook. "In the official SGC pool book, under the `When-will- Colonel-O'Neill-and-Major-Carter-finally-figur e-out-what-we-all-know- and-get-something-going' bet, the only one who picked today's date was - - General Hammond! Pay up, everybody!"

Sam and Jack stared at each other, open mouthed, as the laughter and applause rang through the Gate room. Jack dropped weakly into his chair as Ferretti slapped his shoulder, and Daniel and Teal'c walked over to get in a little payback for all of Jack's jokes at their expense. Sam turned to look at Janet, who was trying her best not to collapse on the floor with laughter. "Was EVERYBODY on the base in on this?" she demanded.

"Not quite!" Janet replied, managing to control herself for a moment. "Nobody had the heart to ask Lt. Simmons to join in!"

They turned to look at General Hammond, who was smiling broadly at them. "Well, Happy Promotion Day to me!" he said jovially, as he leaned forward and blew out the candles.


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