Story Notes: SPOILERS: 100 Days, Crystal Skull, Nemises

SEQUEL: to Bad Timing, if you need a copy just give me a shout.

NOTES: A continuation of the obligatory What If Story. The takes place after the end of if you don't want to be spoiled for this episode don't read :):). In Bad Timing Sam actually went away with Jack but they interrupted by Thor.

"Carter?" O'Neill yelled as he rolled to his feet. "Teal'c?"

"I am here, O'Neill."


"Oh my God, get it off me!"

It was the first time he had ever heard Carter scream. She was lying at the base of the steps, her left arm was bent at a very unusual angle, while the other tried to remove the bug which was crawling up her leg. O'Neill jumped down beside her, tore the thing from her body and flung it back through the 'gate. Carter didn't stop screaming. He was vaguely aware that Teal'c was saying something, but his attention was focused on Sam.

"There are more," the Jaffa shouted.

"Get rid of them!" Jack yelled back.

The air was rent by the sound of gunfire, as the two men systematically destroyed the bugs that had managed to follow. They cast the remains through the event horizon before they had a chance to reform. The gate died, leaving silence in its wake. Jack's concentration immediately switched back to Sam. She was squirming on the ground, whimpers escaping from her throat. He could tell that she was trying very hard not to cry out. Jack placed his hands on her arms, trying to keep her still.

"It's OK, Sam," he told her, "It's gone."

"Hurts," she managed to cry through gritted teeth. "Burning."

O'Neill looked about himself in total panic. There was a lake a hundred yards from the gate. Picking Sam up, he sprinted down to the shore and waded into the water. Luckily, Sam blacked out before the cold hit her system. Jack held her in the water as long as he dared, until his own legs had gone numb. He then staggered back to the bank and lay her carefully on the grass. Bending down beside her, he ripped the leg of her fatigues to gain access to the injury. The bug's venom had left an ugly gaping wound. He gently probed the area, thankful that she was still out cold. The skin was cool to the touch, and didn't seem to be burning anymore. He raised himself on his knees and called to Teal'c,

"She's injured pretty bad, dial us out of here."

"I cannot do that O'Neill," Teal'c stated.


"The DHD has been damaged."

"Shit! How?"

"The bugs."

Even though he knew that he was probably incapable of repairing the device, O'Neill left Carter's side to assess the damage. The DHD was a melted mess. Jack kicked it, in the hope that he could force some power back into the circuits. Predictably, nothing happened. He glanced back towards Sam.

"Teal'c, make sure Thor's OK, then secure the area. See if there's any signs of civilisation," he ordered.

The other man nodded and left O'Neill to deal with Carter who was starting to come around. Jack carefully pulled her into his lap, cradling her injured arm against her body.

"Hurts," she muttered again.

"I know Sam. Just hold on, we're going to get out of here. We still have that fishing trip to finish, remember?"

Sam smiled, a little groggily, and snuggled close to him. She then cried out as the movement jarred her injured arm. Her fingers searched for Jack's, gripping his hand tightly as she attempted to ride out the wave of pain.

"Try and stay still," he told her.


"It's broken. I'm going to have to set it."

She nodded, biting her lip against what she knew was going to be painful.

"If this is revenge for Antarctica, it isn't funny," she told him, in no uncertain terms.

Jack gently eased her back to the ground. Sam bit her lip as he took her arm in both hands. She hoped she could get through this without totally embarrassing herself in front of him. That resolve failed the second he tried to move the arm. Her yell practically pierced his eardrum.

"Hold on, a little more," he whispered.

"Just do it, sir," she gasped back.

Gritting his teeth against her screams, he set and splinted her arm. She passed out before he was finished. After placing her injured arm in a makeshift sling, Jack settled back to watch her. He hated the fact that he been forced to hurt her.....he'd done enough of that over the past few months. The fishing trip had been his way of trying to make it up to her, but even that had ended with Sam coming to harm. He should have known that she'd never leave him to die alone. In fact, he suspected that it had been Sam who persuaded Hammond to overrule Jack's order. She would have told the general that she could fix the problem and he would have had no reason not to believe her. Who would have? This was Sam Carter, saviour of the world. He could only hope that, this time, she'd maintained her reputation for doing the impossible. Now, she was the only one who stood a chance of fixing the DHD, and getting them the hell off this planet. He sat close to her, waiting for her to wake up and smile at him.

Before long Teal'c returned. He shook his head at O'Neill's unspoken question. As far as he could tell, they were alone here.....which was the reason he had chosen this location. They couldn't risk taking the bugs to another inhabited world.

"How is Major Carter?" the Jaffa asked.

"I don't know," Jack admitted.

With uncharacteristic tenderness, Teal'c reached out and touched Carter's face.

"She is cold, I will build a fire," he announced and moved away.

"See if you can find something to eat," Jack called after him.

Carter was going into shock and Jack cursed himself for not recognising the symptoms. Then again, his own body was shivering as a result of his dip in the lake. They could both do with warming up, but he hesitated before lying down beside her. Considering what he had been planning it was stupid to be nervous. This should have been a magical moment, a time when they finally admitted their feelings for one another. The cold facts were, she needed his warmth....and he needed hers. Even so, he was filled with a sense of awe as he moulded his body to hers. Her left side was injured so he lay on her right. He placed one arm across her waist and turned his body so his chest rested against her. Carefully, he draped his leg across hers, entwining their limbs like the lovers he wanted them to be. He entangled his free hand in her hair. The face that lay close to his was so pale and still that, if he hadn't been able to feel her heartbeat, he would have believed that she was dead. He kissed her lips. They were cold, as if she had been eating ice-cream.


When Carter awoke she was convinced that everything she had been through was a bad dream. She didn't open her eyes at first, just savoured the feeling of the man's body pressed so close to her own. It was Jack, she was certain of that. Sam smiled to herself and tried to move. Then the pain hit. Her whimpers disturbed the man who was lying next to her.

"Sam?" he questioned.

She opened her eyes and looked into his concerned face.

"It's gonna be OK," he told her.

Sam knew he was lying. She didn't remember much, but she knew that they were still on the planet they had gated to as Thor's ship had exploded. That meant that they hadn't been able to go anywhere else, otherwise she would certainly be lying in some kind of hospital right now, and not on the ground. She shifted, uneasily, something else was wrong.

"Jack, I can't move my legs!" she cried out, panic entering her tone.

"Sorry, I was lying on them."

She looked down her body and watched as Jack moved his leg off hers. He then started to massage her right calf, his hands moving up to her thigh.

"I can't feel you," she sobbed.

"You must be able to."


"Oh God, Sam. The bug ...... it must have bitten you or something."

"Jack, I think I'm dying."

"No you're not!"

"The poison must be spreading....."

"You are not going to die, Sam."

His words were so forceful, that she almost believed them. He held her close and rocked her in his arms, trying to protect her, and himself, from the truth. Sam found herself crying. She didn't want to die, not like this, not when she knew she had so much to live for.

Jack comforted her until she slept again.

"We have to fix the DHD," he told Teal'c.

"How do you propose we do this, O'Neill?" Teal'c asked. "We have no power source."

There were times when Teal'c penchant for stating the obvious was annoying. Jack started pacing the area around the gate, as if he hoped a naquetar generator would suddenly appear from nowhere. He almost walked into Thor's stasis capsule, then he looked back at the gate.

"Something must power this sucker," he muttered to himself, prodding the alien device.

"Will we not place Thor in danger?" Teal'c asked.

"For cryin' out loud, if we don't get outta here, Thor's not going to be any good to anyone.....and Sam will die. I am not gonna let that happen."

"Do you have the technical knowledge?"

"I've watched Carter do it enough times, somethin' must have sunk in."

Teal'c cocked his head to one side and watched with quiet interest as O'Neill attempted to dismantle what remained of the DHD. His technique tended towards ripping it apart with his bare hands.

"When we get this thing powered up we need to go somewhere that Carter can get medical attention. I doubt they've got the beta gate up and running yet, which doesn't leave us with many options," Jack said as he stood back to view the results of his handiwork.

It wasn't very neat. There were alot of extraneous trailing wires, but he thought it would long as the alien technology operated along the same principle as jump-starting a car. The gate started to hum to itself and the chevrons glowed. Jack punched the air and grinned to himself.

"Should we contact the Tokra?" Teal'c asked.

"Or the Tollans?" Jack countered. "Which address do you remember?"

"I will dial Tollana."

"I'll get Sam."

Jack knelt by her side and placed a hand on her forehead. She was running a fever.

"Time to go, Sammie," he said, gently.

"Don't call me that......," Sam growled. Then she paused as her body was racked by coughs.

"How?" she continued when she was able to draw breath.

"You're not the only one who can hot-wire a Stargate."


"For cryin out....."

She let out a weak laugh, and Jack realised that she was teasing him. He tried to look annoyed with her, but couldn't manage to keep the expression on his face. Worry soon overcame him as Sam's eyes started to drift shut again. Her breathing was becoming ragged.

"C'mon, stay with me," he told her.

"I'm trying, sir."

"Just hang on. The gate is powerin' up."

"Can't....Jack.....sorry...Can't breathe."

"Please Sam...."

She took his hand in hers and pressed her lips to it.

"One regret, we shoulda....ignored damn regulations," she told him.

"I know," he agreed. "I wanted to, for a long time."

"Thor had lousy timing."

"Tell me about it."

He remembered that kiss, and the way her lips had blended so perfectly against his own. The recollection was powerful enough to make him catch his breath. It hadn't been like anything he'd ever felt before, not Sara, not Lara, not Dr. Carter. The feeling, the taste of her had been distinctly Sam, the woman he loved. He looked down at her, wanting more than anything to say those words. For some reason he hesitated, as if speaking his thoughts out loud would tempt fate.

Sam smiled at him, then her eyes closed and didn't open again. A brief moment later, her breathing stopped.


The second they stepped clear of the gate, Jack lay Sam on the ground and started CPR. He knew that Teal'c would alert the Tollans to their presence, and their needs. There was already a crowd gathering. A curious audience watched as Jack tried to force air into Sam's lungs and keep the blood circulating around her body. He barely noticed. All he could think about was the fact that Sam couldn't die. It was unthinkable. Yet as the minutes stretched out, he could almost feel her slipping away from him. Her cheeks were pale and bloodless, her lips all intents and purposes she was dead.

"Colonel O'Neill," a quiet voice said.

Jack didn't answer, couldn't answer, couldn't do anything to interrupt the rhythm of breaths and compressions.

"We will take her now," the man continued.

Despite himself, Jack glanced up upon hearing the familiar voice. Narim knelt across from him, his hand touching one of Sam's. O'Neill found himself fighting down a wave of jealousy, that the Tollan should be the one to save her. It made him feel more inadequate than ever. Even so, he backed away from Sam and let the Tollan medics do their work. He didn't know what to expect, or if some kind of miracle would happen and she would stand up and step into his arms. Her face was still cold and lifeless as the medics bore her away. Jack attempted to follow, but Narim stopped him,

"I will show you to your quarters," he said, in an infuriatingly calm tone.

"Is she going to be OK?" Jack demanded.

"That, I cannot answer. Rest assured that our doctors will do their best to help Samantha. It is unthinkable that such a light should be extinguished from the heavens."

Again, Jack had to battle with his emotions. This creep had no right to feel anything for Sam, no right at all. Just because he was smart, he thought that........

"What about Thor?" Teal'c added, aware that O'Neill was becoming agitated.

"We will contact the Asguard. They know best how to treat him," Narim replied.

"Good," was all that Jack managed.

He felt numbness creep through his body as Narim escorted them through the city. It was just a beautiful as he remembered, yet the tranquillity gave rise to annoyance rather than peace. Last time he had made this journey, Sam had walked beside him, her eyes wide and childlike as she took in the new sights. Occasionally, she had pointed something out to him: a fountain, a building, a piece of sculpture. He had passed comment, and she had smiled at him. God, he wanted her to smile again.

The room he was shown to was sparsely furnished, but elegant. In the background, the surreal music of flowing water strove to give an air of relaxation. The sound only served to fuel Jack's agitation. It was only with great restraint that he stopped himself going to find Sam. The restraint in question being Teal'c who physically prevented him walking out the door.

"Major Carter is in safe hands," he told Jack.


"You do not trust the Tollans?"

"She was dead Teal'c, I felt her heart stop. Trust doesn't have alot to do with it."

"You wish to be with her?"

"Ya think?"

Teal'c raised an eyebrow. The gesture was more eloquent than any words could have been. The jaffa seemed to see through O'Neill's anger and frustration, perceiving the fear that was consuming his friend.

"I don't know what I'm going to do if she doesn't make it," Jack found himself admitting.

"She is a true warrior."

"That's not what I meant."

O'Neill moved to stare out of the window. He didn't feel like talking any more. The Tollan day was coming to an end. He found himself watching as the city lights gradually faded, until there was but a single glow burning in the darkness. In his imagination, he could see the room beyond, where the tollan doctors were fighting to save Sam's life. It was along lonely vigil. Never had the night seemed so dark, so cold. Yet, the single light burnt brightly, never fading, never him hope. He watched until the sun rose.

Narim was by Sam's side when Jack was finally allowed to see her. He looked like he'd been there for a long time. The geek was actually holding her hand. Jack decided not to tear the man limb from limb, after all Sam was still unconscious ....unconscious but alive and breathing for herself.

"I'll take over now," Jack told the other man.

If the Tollan even thought about complaining, he was pre-empted by Teal'c, who 'helped' him out of the chair.

"Hey, Sammie?" Jack called quietly, "Can you hear me, baby?"

"Why is he calling her Sammie?" Narim whispered.

"It is a form of endearment, I believe," Teal'c attempted to explain.

Jack touched her face gently. Her fever had died and her skin was regaining its normal hue. Whatever the Tollans had done for her, it was pretty close to a miracle cure. He couldn't help himself, bending forward, he kissed her. There was a whisper of a response, the soft sigh of breath against his cheek.

"Come on, Sammie, open those baby blues for Uncle Jack," he urged. "I know you're tired, honey, but you have to wake up."

He moved nearer to her, lying across the bed, bringing his mouth close to her ear.

"I wanna go back to that lake, Sam, an' do all those things we never got a chance to.....and I'm not talking about fishing. It won't be as much fun if you're unconscious."

There was no smile in response to his attempt at humour.

As far as Jack was concerned the room was empty. He saw nothing but the woman who lay before him. She had to wake up, if she didn't....if she didn't.....Damn Thor. Damn him to hell for getting them into this. A few seconds later and he could have said the words. She would have known. He lowered his voice even further,

"Please don't leave me. I'm sorry for all those times I was an ass, for asking dumb questions, for the times I forgot to say thank you, for Lara, for everything."

"I spoke to her all night, there was no response," Narim said, sadly, as Teal'c led him away. It was best to leave O'Neill alone at this point, allow the man to grieve in private.

Jack lay his head on the pillow and took her hand,

"Love you," he said.


"At best we have only managed to purge the poison from her body. We cannot reverse it's effects," the doctor admitted.

Teal'c looked down at Major Carter's still form. She looked as if she would wake up at any time. Jack O'Neill was slumped in a chair beside her bed. His body had finally given in to exhaustion.

"There is nothing you can do for her?" Teal'c continued.

"Samantha's body will heal...or it won't," the doctor replied.

"Stop it! " O'Neill suddenly snapped. "Stop talkin' like she's already dead."

He pulled himself upright and faced the Tollan doctor. The man took a step backwards.

"Colonel O'Neill, I am sorry, but we have done all we can."

"Then do more!"

The doctor just shook his head in an annoyingly Tollan way and left the room. O'Neill started after him, but was stopped by Teal'c.

"Major Carter is strong," the jaffa reminded him.

"Is she?"

Jack wasn't so certain. Sometimes she just seemed like a kid who wanted to play with the adults. He moved back to the side of the bed and plunked himself down again. After a few moments, his head nodded forward and he appeared to sleep once more. Teal'c waited for a little while, ensuring that his friend was indeed asleep, before carefully moving O'Neill onto the bed beside Carter. Jack didn't seem to notice. Without waking, he curled himself about Carter's still form, burying her face in her hair.

Teal'c left the hospital and went directly to the Stargate. He had one other resource to call upon and Jacob Carter required no prompting to come to his daughter's aid. Samantha Carter was a woman of strength and determination, in some ways she reminded Teal'c of his wife. She had the same fire in her soul. More important than his personal admiration was the fact that O'Neill needed her to live. His friend's love for this remarkable woman was all consuming. It deserved the chance to burn brightly.

They returned in a matter of hours. Jacob raised an eyebrow when he saw exactly who was sleeping next to his daughter.

"Rise and shine, colonel," he woke the sleeping man.

Jack blinked a few times, then leapt from the bed as if he'd been bitten by a snake.

"This isn't what it looks like.....," he started to protest, "Well maybe it is, but we didn't...I mean we haven't.....,"

Jacob didn't look like he believed a word of Jack's attempt at explanation.

"......good to see you again, sir," Jack finished, lamely.

"At ease, colonel, how's Sam?"

"Stable, sir."

"Good. Have you any news from Earth?"

"Not since we gated to P3X234. I'm guessing that it's going to take them a while to get the beta gate running."

"So we can't help them."

"If any of the replicators survived the crash they're on their own.....Sam saved our lives, sir."

"That's my girl."

"Mine too."

Jack made the admission quietly, his hand straying to touch Sam's. The tender caress brought the reality of the situation into new perspective, but Jacob wasn't about to judge the other man or the choices his daughter had made.

"Stand back, son, Selmac and I have work to do," Jacob said as he drew out the healing device.


Samantha Carter lay on her back, watching the patterns of light shifting on the ceiling. The man beside her shifted in his sleep. Sam smiled to herself as she turned her head to look at him.

It had been a long journey.

For this man, this place....herself.

Her recovery had been slow. She recalled every painful second, every frustration, every setback......he had been there each time she wanted him, and kept away when she didn't.

As her eyes drifted shut, she felt a hand slide across her stomach. Sam smiled again. It was very hard to keep the expression off her face when lying next to this man. His palm skimmed upwards, eliciting a groan from Sam. No one else had ever been able to make her feel like this.

"Narim...," she breathed.

His hands stopped their explorations and there was silence. . . . . More silence . . . . Even more silence . . . . Sam opened one eye and looked at him,

"Just dreaming," she grinned

"That's not funny, Samantha," Jack warned.

She couldn't stop herself laughing at the expression on his face. At which point he started to tickle her, until she begged for mercy.

"Are you kids awake yet?" her father's voice came from outside the door.

"Ignore him," Jack mumbled.

"But he's going to think we're....."

Jack rolled over, trapping her body beneath his.

"And your point is?" he grinned down at her.

"Jack!" she warned him. "I thought you liked fishing!"

"Not when I have something better to do."

His head disappeared under the quilt as he started to kiss his way down her body.

"You asked them here!" Sam reminded him.

"I had a weak moment," came the muffled reply.

"Teal'c will be.......very.......Oh God, Jack.....very....disappointed."


"So, do you think we'll see them today?" Daniel Jackson wondered.

"I doubt it," Jacob replied.

The three men all turned and looked up at the closed door. Teal'c looked at his watch and shook his head.

"Let's go fishing," Jacob decided.


The End

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