Story Notes: AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is so indescribably, disgustingly sappy I'm surprised that I wrote it, let alone posted it, but... anyhow, that being said, I like the idea of one of the SG-1 members having a poster like the one described. It kinda takes on a whole new meaning when you can visit any number of the other stars, doesn't it?

(Remember: You will send feedback.... you will send feedback....)

On the wall in her quarters Sam had put up a poster depicting a galaxy, two hundred billion stars forming a bright white spiral. Slightly off-center sat a red arrow that read, "You are here."

"So you'll always be able to find your way home," Cassandra had explained with a bright grin as Sam had opened her gift. Sam had laughed.

Now, months later, laughing was the last thing on her mind.

Jack was in her quarters. One hand cupped her cheek, his thumb brushing gently. The other came to rest above his heart.

"You are here," he whispered.

The End

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