Story Notes:


SEASON/SEQUEL: During the episode Urgo

ARCHIVE: SJA, Heliopolis yes (if they actually want it)

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I went on a church retreat this past weekend. The whole pie thing was a big joke over the weekend. When I remembered Urgo this kinda popped into my head.

FEEDBACK: Look at it this way: if you like it positive feedback can get me to write more, and if you don’t like it then flames can get me to stop.

DEDICATION: For Robbie, R.J., and the real Father Chris; they’re the ones who made this happen.


I don’t know why I came to the commisary, I just did. Everyone’s eating pie. Pie...why does that sound so familiar? All of a sudden Daniel’s voice floats through my consciousness.

“Pie.” Hmm. I want pie.

“Oh my god, that was you guys?!”

“For crying out loud Carter. I don’t mind not understanding you when you’re in technobable mode, but when it’s an everyday occurrence I tend to get upset.”

“Just think back about twenty years. There was a church retreat...”


Robbie was speaking. “Many times when we’re listening we wait for the pause so that we can have our own input...”

“Pie.” Daniel said.

“I want pie.” I add in.


“Remember? ‘I want pie’ became a huge joke that weekend. Remember Sunday morning?” They still look like they’re drawing blanks.


We all sit in the meeting room waiting for Fr. Chris to make his final speech of the weekend.

“Jack you’re crazy.” Kelly said to her cousin.

“So, I think it’s the sane people in the world than there are sane one’s.” I say.

“So I guess that makes us the norm then huh?” Said Jack’s Aunt Mrs. Hallorran.

“Hey! I’ve got a paper that says I’m sane.” Fr. Chris said.


“Don’t you remember Jack? Fr. Chris had told us the day before how many tests you had to take to get into the seminary. One of those things was two psych evaluations.

“Now I remember. Why did Kelly chase you down the hallway every time Fr. Chris came by?”

“Because, every time he would come by, I’d lean down and tell her that she wanted his body. I was only joking, but hey who knows. I mean it’s not like he looked that much like a priest. Which reminds me you’re still both bastards.”

“What? Why are we bastards?” Daniel asked.

“Because, Jack we were playing pool when Fr. Chris first came into the room Friday afternoon. I screwed up my shot, and he made a sarcastic comment. He was only being himself, and you guys new what I was going to do. I told him to bite me, and then you guys said, and I quote “Hello Fr. Chris” I can’t believe the two of you let me do that.”

“Hey it’s not like he got made at you, or damned you to hell or anything,” Jack said.

“He couldn’t send anyone to hell, he could only make suggestions. I wonder where he‘s at now. I truly loved that man, he was the best chaperone ever. When I think our luck has run out, and we‘re not going to make it home this time, I always like to think of the good times in my life. We moved around a lot, so I don’t have many happy memories from my childhood and teenage years. That weekend and the memories of Fr. Chris are some of my happiest ever. I wonder if he made it as a priest. I know Nikki and Kelly didn’t think he would.”

“You know Sam I don’t know if he did, but wherever he’s at I wonder if he wants some pie?”



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