Story Notes: E-MAIL ADRESS : or


SUMMARY : Everone is at Jack's place for a sleepover and Samantha is dreaming out aloud about Jack.

AUTHOR'S NOTE : This is my second story about Sam and Jack. It has romance and some humor...I hope. Have fun reading !



FEEDBACK : Always welcome, you mail me anytime and I will mail back. You can even mail me if you just want to talk about sam and jack.

DATE : 26.03.2000

*****I want to thank my beta-reader Katie. I coudn't do this without her.*****

It was a warm summer evening. Jack sat on the terrace gazing at the stars. While he was looking at them he saw four stars together in a group. They reminded him of his friends. There was a big leading star, followed closely by a small but full shining star, after that one there was a rather small star followed closely by a big star making the row complete. The leading star reminded him of himself. He was the leader, the caring father of his « kids ». The small but full shining star reminded him of Carter, always close behind him, she was small but on the other side she was a strong woman, the mother figure of them all. The rather small star reminded him of Daniel, yeah...small but smart...actually more like smartass,whatever. And the last big star, Teal'c, always close behind them, ready to fight for them. Yeah...his friends. A smile came on his face when he remembered all the things they did.

He remenbered the day when Carter and Daniel turned into kids. It was some virus that could turn people into kids. Oh...he remembered that day !


T : What are we going to do, Colonel O'Neill ?

J : Play the babysitter, I guess.

T : O'Neill...what is Daniel Jackson doing ?

J : Huh ? Oh,no ! Danny get off that table, you'll break your neck ! Oh, I'm glad that I still have Carter, she isn't such a problemchil...Carter ? Carter what are you doing ? KEEP YOUR HANDS OF THOSE BUTTONS ! ! ! ! !NOOOOO,Carter ! !


J : Oh, for crying out loud !

GH : What is going on here ?

T : Colonel O'Neill was sitting on one of the babies.

GH : What ? !

J : No,Teal'c it's babysitting, it doesn't mean that you sit on the baby !

T : ? ? ?

J : Oh, never mind.-


Yeah, it was one hell of a day ! It all turned out good, like always. A smile came on his face and he closed his eyes. But when he almost fell asleep, he woke up by a sound nearby.

J : What the ?

He stood up and walked over the grass to the lake a little further down the field. He hid himself behind a big tree between the bushes, then he looked at the lake. He couldn't believe his eyes !

J : (I'm dreaming)

There stood a beautiful white unicorn. Jack could see it clearly, it was right in front of him. She was so marvellous, magical. She had a white sheen, no, a silver sheen all over her body. Her feet and horn were of gold. She was so pure. But another sound came to his attention, from his right. When he looked he couldn't believe his eyes.

J :(I'm definitely dreaming)

There she was, his captain standing a few feet from the unicorn. It looked up, but to Jack's surprise it didn't run away, it just stood there looking at Sam. Samantha came closer, she was now standing in front of it. He could see her smile at the beautiful creature. She reached out and touched the unicorn on it's nose. Suddenly he fealed a stabbing pain in his leg and he fell over on his back.

J :(Ah for crying out loud)

He tilted his head so he could see what was happening. The unicorn turned in his direction and moved forward until it was standing, right in front of Jack.

J :(I'm doomed)

Sam was now approching. She stopped right in front of him. She helped him up by offering a hand and looked at him.

J : Carter ?

S : ...Liberaté toutemé...Liberaté toutemé...

J : What ? I can't understand you !

Than she handed him an wierd looking artifact. The artifact was heavy, so it must be off stone. Jack noticed something wierd about the artifact, it had four faces, does of a man, an eagle, a bull and a lion. When he accepted it, she turned and stopped in front of the unicorn. She whispered something in it's ear. The unicorn turned and ran away. Samantha turned to Jack and smiled, but she was crying. Yes, a single silver tear rolled down her cheeck. Jack wanted to wipe the tear away. When he got up to walk to her she flickered and then she was a unicorn too. She turned into a beautiful unicorn and then she ran after the other one.

...Colonel ?...Sir ?...Jack ! !

S : Colonel ? Sir, wake up !

J : Huh ? What are « you » doing here ?

S : We were looking for you !

J : We ?

S : Yes, Daniel and Teal'c are here too !

J : Oh, Carter when did you come in ?

S : A few minutes ago, hey, what is that ?

J : What is what ?

Jack's gaze fell to the floor, there it was, the artifact that Samantha gave him in his dream.

S : Sir ?

J : Do you know what this is ?

S : No, but Daniel might !

Together they walked inside. After awhile they were all either sitting on or next to the couch.

J : So, what is this ?

D : It's a seraph an angel with four faces, those of a man , a lion , an eagle and a bull. In the story an angel descends from heaven and fathers four children with a mortal woman.Their children are the Neflem, the fallen ones. They have the souls of angels but werren't ment to be. They are deformed, tormented. So the Lord sends the seraph on the earth to bring back the souls of the Neflem.

S : But how does he bring back their souls ?

D : They were dazzeled with the brightness of his quintessence to look up on to the seraf is to give up one's life to heaven.

S : That's beautiful... Sir are you alright ?

J : Why are you asking?

S : Cause, normally when Daniel does his let's just say « artificial » babble, you fall asleep.

J : Oh, I'm just kinda interested.

D : Where did you get this ?

J : Euh, from someone in my backyard.

T : There was noone in your backyard, Colonel O'Neill.

J : Well actually it was in my dream.

D : Who says it's a dream ?

S : Yeah Sir, it could be real, but that someone just got away before we could find him.

T : Indeed.

J : Look, it was a dream, ok. No, it was definitely a dream !

D : Why ?

J : Because, Daniel, there was a unicorn in it and I saw Carter, who gave me the rock, and then turned into a unicorn.

S : Really, Sir ? You were dreaming of me ?

D : A :It's an artifact, not a rock. B : It was a dream but not a dream-dream. C : Carter was in it ?

J : Yeah, she was and that has nothing to do with...

T : Colonel O'Neill ?

J : Saaaaay, Daniel, do you speak Latin ?

D : Yeah, I do, why ?

S : Is there a language you can't speak ?

D : Mmm... Chinese.

S : You actually tried to speak Chinese ?

D : Yes, but then I heard of the stargate...I prefered the stargate above Chinese.

J : Kids, Kids ! I was talking.

D : Oh yeah, what about Latin ?

J : What does « Liberaté toutemé » mean ?

D : means, befree yourself.

J : Befree yourself, huh.

T : Daniel Jackson what did you mean with it's not a dream-dream ?

D : Well, it's real, because otherwise there wouldn't be an artifact, but unicorns don't exist, so it must be some drug they gave you, so you thought that you were dreaming.

T : I know a race of aliens who watch people in their lives and help them if something goes wrong. Normally they talk to those people in their dreams and they choose the face of that person's closest friend.

Daniel looked hurt, but then smiled.

D : Well thank you very much, Jack !

J : What ? What did I do ?

D : That you prefer Sam above me, we've been friends for such a long time.

J : Oh, for crying out loud. Would you stop that !

D : Stop what ?

J : That annoying Danny-style.

D : Ok, than I won't speak to you anymore ! ! !

J : Finally some rest. Say, Carter are you free tonight ?

D : (Oh, Boy !)

S : Yes, Sir. Why ?

J : Maybe we can organize a sleepover. Carter you can bring Janet along, Daniel would like that.

Daniel turned quickly around.

D : I beg your pardon ?

J : IT'S ALIVE ! ! ! ! No, I thought that you liked Janet.

D : I do not.

J : Yes, you do.

D : Don't.

J : Do.

Daniel started to get irritated and he opened his big mouth for once.

D : DOOOOOOOOON'T ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

J :Ok, sure ?

Daniel gave him an annoying look. Jack wanted to say something, but Sam stopped him with her « Oh ,no you don't , or I'll kick your ass. » glare.

J : So you're all in ?

After an hour everyone was at Jack's place. It was a really fun evening. They played poker, danced on Sam's new CD's and watched tv together. Daniel was avoiding Jack and running after Janet. Samantha was trying to spend more time with Jack. And Teal'c tried to understand Jack. But it was time to go to sleep.

J : I'll get a few cots so we won't have to sleep on the floor. Carter can you get some blankets out of the attic, you know the way.

S : Yes ,sir.

When Sam returned, she found Daniel and Jack setting up cots and heard the shower running. Must be Janet. Teal'c on the other hand was nowhere to be seen.

S : Sir ,here are the blankets and where is Teal'c ?

J : Oh, I sent him to town for some pizza and donuts.

S : Sir , do you think it's wise to send Teal'c all the way to town ?

J : Well ,he knows the way, don't worry Carter....In fact I think I hear a car.

After a few minutes Teal'c entered the house with some pizza and donuts.

J : Teal'c make yourself at home....everyone else has.

S : Join the club. Tonight's entertainement has already started.

T : What do you mean ?

S : Yeah, the Colonel is showing off his skills as a craftsman.

J :Ha ha. Would someone care to help me with this ? Cause Daniel here isn't such a great help.

D : Hey...oh, hi turn for the shower.

JF : What's wrong with him ?

J : If you ignore him, he will go away....eventually.

Sam had pity on Jack, kneeling down next to him to offer her assistance.

S : Here let me.

J :Thanks.

S : Well this is kinda difficult.

J : Hold still. I can't get it to go in if you keep squirming like that.

S : I can't help it. This isn't the most comfortable position, you know...if you were just a little faster, it wouldn't be a problem.

J : Can I help it you're quick ? You were done almost before I got started. You made the offer, so don't complain if it's not what you expected.

S : Oh,no. It was your idea to do this, Mister I'm Good-With-My-Hands. You're the one who said it wouldn't take long.

Jack smiled , he really liked her like this.

J : Thanks, for reminding me. I've almost got it...Finished.

S : It's about time.

Just then, Daniel rushed into the room with a towel around him pulled tightly shut.

D : What's going on here ?

JF : What do you mean ?

D : Well when I heard the conversation... I thought...well er that you two sounded like...

S : Spit it out, Daniel !

D : Well, the conversation I heard when I got out of the shower was rather incriminating , to say the least.

It took a few seconds for the gist of what he said to sink in. When the realization came down on them, Janet snickered, Jack laughing with her. Sam blushed then joined the rest and broke into a grin at the ridiculousness of the situation.

J : Did you really think we would do something like that ? With an audience no less.

D : Sorry, but it really sounded like that !

J : Ok ok, it's history, now let's call it a night.

JF : Er, there's a problem, sir.

J : Sir,sir. Call me Jack, for crying out loud.

JF : 'Jack' there are only two cots to sleep on.

J : Oh, well there's a couch and the bed. Why don't you and Sam take the bed ?

JF : Fine with me, Sam ?

S : Alright then, goodnight,Janet why are you smiling ?

JF : At least it will save me from Daniel's snoring.

D : I do not snore !

JF : Oh, do I have to tape it in the infirmary and send it on the commline trough the whole of the SGC?

Daniel stared at her but didn't answer, Jack was laughing aloud.

JF : You don't snore, do you Sam ?

S : I've been told I don't. Though I may talk in my sleep.

JF : That's fine with me, as long as it's not about a docter from the SGC you're going to kill, I won't complain.

The men watched them leave and they went to their cots to go to sleep, they left the couch for Jack, because of his rank.

Samantha shifted in her sleep. She was dreaming about Jack. The feel of his hands all over her body. He was kissing her intimately. Samantha tossed and turned in her sleep.

She was making low moaning noises.

Janet woke at the low sounds ,she looked at Sam and a smile came on her face when she saw that Sam was sleeping. Janet moved to the far side of the bed to give the woman next to her more space. She didn't know why she did that. She was finally falling asleep again when she heard Sam murmuring Jack's name. Now she was fully alert.

In the room next door everyone was asleep, well almost everyone. Jack couldn't sleep because of Daniels snorring. Then he heard someone call his name. He looked in the direction of the room and saw Janet laying on her side with her eyes open. He could see that she was mouthing the words : « She's dreaming. » Jack nodded his head and turned on his side ignoring the soft sounds that his captain was making. Why was she calling his name ? In her sleep BTW !

The next morning

J : Goodmorning, campers.

D : Goodmorning, Jack.

T : Colonel O'Neill.

JF : Hi, everyone, did everyone sleep well ?

D : Yes.

J : No.

JF : Ok, let me guess you couldn't sleep because of Daniel's snoring.

J : Yes and no.

S : Morning everyone.

D+J+T+JF : Morning Sam, Carter, Capain Carter, Sam.

JF : Sorry,it's been nice but I really have to go to the base, now.

J : Janet ?

JF : Yes ?

J : Take Daniel and Teal'c with you would you ?

D : Hey, I don't wanna go !

J : You're going or do I have to kick you out ?

D : Since I was one year old I can walk by myself.

J : There's no need to be sarcastic, Daniel.

D : I learned it from the master himself, which is you.

J : I'm not that sarcastic... ok ok don't you all look at me like that, for crying out loud !

JF : Well, sir, bye, come on Daniel, Teal'c.

S : Can I go too ,sir ?

J : Jack.

S : Huh ?

J : My name ? !

S : Oh,yeah, sorry.

J : And no you can't go.

S : Why not ?

H : Because I need you to do something.

S : Ok, bye Janet.

J : Bye Campers !Now between you and me. What was that last night ?

S : What was what, Jack ?

J :Oh, for crying out loud, you were calling my name in your sleep.

S : Yeah, I know...Janet told me. You heard all of it ?

J : Yeah, you woke the rest up with your 'Jack' thing.

S : ..........

J : What is going on Sam ?

S :............

J : Come on you can tell me. Look remember my dream ? You were in it, but I have a reason, you don't.

S : You have a reason ?

J : Sam...I...I dream about you because I love you and if you want to yell at me or run away I understand...

S : I love you too.

J :...or sue me and send me to court...w-w-w-what ?

S : I 'love' you.

J : Really ?

S : Why should I dream about you then ?

J : OOOOH, come here.

He pulled her close to his body, finally he had her in his arms. Maybe what Teal'c said was right. Something was going wrong, he started to loose Sam. Because she was his captain, he didn't want to fall in love with her, so he tried to push her away. He was wrong not to tell her how he felt, thanks to the aliens he finnaly did. He lifted her head and kissed her on the forehead, she looked at him with love written in her eyes. He also saw the same desire in her eyes as he got. He loved her, oh yeah, he loved her. Their lips met. He didn't know she was such a good kisser, he let her tongue in and the kiss was passionate with a wild desire. He pulled back and lifted her in his arms and carried her to his bedroom. Arriving there he waited, it was now her turn to make a choice, she still could refuse him, but she didn't she pushed him on the bed and started kissing him intimately, they made love like she couldn't dream off.

The next day everyone was at Jack's place.

At 23.00.

D : Let's call it a night ok ? !

JF : Yeah, I 'm exhausted. Bed, I'm coming !

J : Oh, no you're not.

JF : What do you mean ? I slept there last night.

S : Yeah that was last night.

JF : But....

S : Oh, you can always take the couch.

JF :But....

S :'re coming ?

JF : (.....)

D : Janet, close your mouth, it's almost hitting the floor.

JF : Did you hear what I think I heard ?

T : I do not know, what did you hear ?

They all turned to Jack and Sam who were now standing in the bedroom kissing each other and when Jack closed the door with his foot, they all could see Jack reaching out foor the zipper of Sam's jacket.

T : What are Colonel O'Neill and Captain Carter doing in the bedroom ?

D : You really don't know ?

JF : Yeah Teal'c, I thought you had a son !

T : I still don't know what you mean.

D : They, are doing 'it'.

T : 'It' ?

D : Well, er, Janet you explain you're the doctor around here.

Jf : I thought you were a doctor too ? !

D : Yeah, well not that kind off doctor.

T : I think we better go to sleep.

JF : Good idea ! I'm taking the couch.

D : Why ?

JF : Because I'm a woman.

D : Ok, ok Lady's first.

T : Daniel Jackson what did Docter Frazier mean with because I am a woman ?

D : Night, Teal'c.

When they were almost asleep they heard a low moaning sound followed by a gasp and then 'O ,JACK' filling the room.

Janet flipped on her back.

JF : Well, there goes another sleepless night !

And somewhere in the back of the dark room came the dry comment of Teal'c.

T : Indeed.

End . I hope you all liked it.

PS : Feedback.

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