25 Most Reviewed Series

Summary: Jack got a secert, which SG1 and Jacob finds out about it. Jack and Sam get a chance of being together with out the rules getting in the way
Genres: Action & Adventure, Alternate Universe or Reality, Angst, Drama, General, Humour, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 5 | Open: Closed
[Reviews - 107]

Summary: Jolinar escapes the SGC in Carter's body and together they embark in an adventure that changes the young captain's life forever, as well as her relationship with her colonel.
Genres: Action & Adventure, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Mystery & Suspense, Romance, UST/Friendship
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: Torture, Violence
Challenges: None
Stories: 2 | Open: Closed
[Reviews - 29]

Summary: Jack O'Neill finds solace after an unbearable loss.rn
Genres: Romance
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: Character Death, Violence
Challenges: None
Stories: 3 | Open: Closed
[Reviews - 28]

Summary: Jack, an ex-Navy SEAL, and Samantha Carter, Doctor of Marine Biology, pair up to find sunken treasure. Think of them as Indiana Jones and Lara Croft, only better. ;)
Genres: Action & Adventure, Alternate Universe or Reality, Angst, Drama, Romance, Smut & Porn
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: Violence
Challenges: None
Stories: 5 | Open: Closed
[Reviews - 24]

Summary: Jack angst, Sam/other
Genres: Angst
Original Archive Date: 2000 Feb 3
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 13 | Open: Closed
[Reviews - 19]

Summary: Life's Little Curve
Genres: Romance
Original Archive Date: 2001 Jan 19
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 16 | Open: Closed
[Reviews - 18]

Summary: Steps
Genres: Angst, Romance
Original Archive Date: 2002 Aug 19
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 12 | Open: Closed
[Reviews - 16]

Summary: Tags to episodes assuming a romantic relationship between Jack and Sam after season 8's "Threads".
Genres: Angst, Drama, Episode Prologues & Epilogues, Fluff, Humour, Hurt/Comfort, Missing Scene, Romance, Smut & Porn
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 10 | Open: Closed
[Reviews - 15]

Summary: A collection of drabbles and short stories inspired by the quirky holidays that Jack O'Neill celebrates or otherwise observes.
Genres: Drabble, Drama, Fluff, General, Humour, Romance, UST/Friendship
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 11 | Open: Closed
[Reviews - 13]

Summary: Matter of Tact
Genres: Future!fic
Original Archive Date: 2003 Jul 6
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 11 | Open: Closed
[Reviews - 12]