Alternate Sam by GenVarel
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Summary: Jack O'Neill finds solace after an unbearable loss.rn
Categories: None
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: Character Death, Violence
Challenges: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 3
Series Type: Closed


Rated: R

The Asgard send Jack to another universe on a mission to recover something vital for everyone’s survival in theirs. Set in Season 5 after “Desperate Measures.” Nominations: GateFIc Awards 2011
Genres: Action & Adventure, Alternate Universe or Reality, Angst, Drama, Romance
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: Character Death
Series: Alternate Sam
Chapters: 20 | Word count: 44823 | Completed: Yes | Published: Apr 06, 2010 | Updated: Apr 22, 2010 | Read: 37170
[Reviews - 15] [Report This]


Rated: R
Summary: Sequel to "Quantum Destiny."

A former adversary bent on revenge threatens to destroy what matters most to Jack O’Neill.
Genres: Alternate Universe or Reality, Angst, Drama, Romance
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: Abuse, Violence
Series: Alternate Sam
Chapters: 20 | Word count: 38574 | Completed: Yes | Published: Jun 15, 2010 | Updated: Jun 30, 2010 | Read: 23573
[Reviews - 11] [Report This]


Rated: R
Summary: Jack must risk everything that he holds dear for the sake of the mission. (Sequel to Another's Universe.)
Genres: Action & Adventure, Alternate Universe or Reality, Drama, Romance
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: Violence
Series: Alternate Sam
Chapters: 11 | Word count: 31367 | Completed: Yes | Published: Oct 02, 2010 | Updated: Oct 12, 2010 | Read: 7209
[Reviews - 2] [Report This]